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Random situation..opinions??

hregal2011's picture

Ok.  So I usually discuss my SD16.  Im going to pose a situation for my bio daughter 15, who is a step to my DH.
BD15 has had my DH around since she was 4.  BD used to be very attached to BF(birth father..).  He got into drugs and I was sole financial provider for too long and subsequently we divorced.  After this he went off the deep end and tried to continue seeing her but had no place to live/drug issues and the places he would keep her got her involved with Police one time and a felon who was staying in the same house at another time.  One day BF was supposed to come (his aunt drove him, we are an hr away-he had no vehicle) to pick her up and stay at Aunts house..well the 4 yr old girl waited and waited and he Never Showed.  I tried contacting his friends and family later and no one knew where he was/where he was living.  Vanished-she was crushed and hated him from there on. (I later found out her went to jail for a couple months during that time, but when back Never got in contact with number has been the same-really no excuse) She has a Great bond with DH-to her, he is DAD.  And he thinks of her as daughter.  Once she got social media, he showed back up and tried to connect.  She has been pretty oppositional to to giving him any chance (I have talked to her about it and possibly trying to 'enjoy' time) she usually will go over (he lives on his aunts couch and the aunt is a hoarder) to see her cousins who the aunt has custody of (hope your getting the picture of the fabulous family situation)

Current situation.  BF has been asking to see her (mind you he never asks/calls/texts me about it--goes straight to her to plan-I feel like I should get a 'hey this is what I'd like to do'..but I digress). He wants to see her And meet her boyfriend of 11months.  Ok, I he is bringing them to An amusement park.  Cool-sounds like fun.  Now, the weird part.  He also wants to go and meet the boyfriends Parents...?

I get wanting to meet a kids significant other and their parents, but isn't it weird that he is barely involved with her but is making it a point to want to meet his parents?! My daughter thought it a bit strange and told her boyfriend to tell his parents that they will be meeting her Biological Father but it is Not her DAD (she is very particular about the difference between the two- calls bio dad by his first name).  I have met each parent and boyfriends father is wanting to meet my husband (both army guys..)because boyfriend tells him how nice he is.  
I don't know, do I say something? Let it go? Hubby thought it was weird too..thoughts? 


ndc's picture

I cannot see how any good can come of her birth father meeting the boyfriend's parents, nor do I see any reason why an uninvolved birth father has any need to meet them.  I would advise against it.  I also wouldn't be happy about the boyfriend's parents meeting the deadbeat birth father before they meet the man who has raised her.

hregal2011's picture

Thank you! I agree..and hope I wasn't being just a jerk..I'm not sure how to change it. Perhaps say something to BF?? But then's just going to be bad no matter what I say.

CastleJJ's picture

Your DD is 15. I would not get involved in her relationship with BF or his odd request to meet Boyfriend's parents. I would discuss your concerns with DD, that having BF meet them may not be a great impression due to his instability, but that you support DD's decision to do what she pleases regarding BF meeting the parents. I think that demonstrates that you value DD's autonomy to manage her own life. If BF blows it or makes a fool out of himself, its on him and DD may learn to not involve BF in those types of things. Plus, it removes you from any backlash from DD or BF if things don't go well. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I agree with this but want to throw in one caveat:

OP, is your ex still actively using, and using around your BD? If so, I think there becomes a safety concern here and your BD's BF's parents have a right to decide what is best for their son and who he is around. If BioF is sober but just not a functioning member of society, then I don't think his name needs to be dragged through the mud - BF and his parents will figure that piece out. But if he could be high while with them, they need to know. And frankly, I think in a situation like that, you'd be well within your rights to tell BD that it's not safe and she can't go either.

OP, also don't be afraid to tell your daughter that she can use you as a scapegoat while she is a teen to get out of bad situations with her BioF. I completely understand trying to be neutral and allowing her to make decisions for herself, even encouraging her to have some form of relationship so she doesn't regret it later. But BioF is an adult. He has the upper hand in being able to manipulate a situation to get what he wants because SD is young and still sorting it all out for herself. Give her an out. Let her make you the "bad guy" and you go to bat for her. I'm not saying you do that for every conversation or interaction, but if she *really* thinks something is a bad idea but *really* doesn't think she can say no, be her mouthpiece. Show her what saying no looks like. That is equally, if not more, important to being open-minded to a relationship. Boundaries need to be established, and she needs to learn that she can have boundaries with her BioF while also not totally cutting him out if she doesn't want to.

hregal2011's picture

Absolutely.  BF is/has been clean.  He works and just stays at his aunts because he is lousy with money.  All my kids have always beeen td that if they are ever uncomfortable saying no to family/friends-blame mom. 'My mom said no' and if anyone needs to-they can come to me and complain.  I did find out from my daughter that she did feel it was awkward but didnt know what to say.  We discussed it and I think we discovered a plan to just avoid that altogether.  

justmakingthebest's picture

Ehhh... 15 yr olds aren't usually know for their superb long term decision making skills. I can see allowing her to have the relationship, but monitoring it is part of being a parent. 

I would say time to step back if this was a normal parent-child relationship but this guy is an addict who has walked away from her before.

ESMOD's picture

I get not wanting to keep your DD from having some kind of relationship with her father.. BUT.. I think it's super important that she also isn't exposed to an active drug user/addict.  Honestly.. she wouldn't be the first child who ended up getting into drugs with their parent providing..or unwittingly providing the contraband.  Clearly with her father's genes.. she is likely more predisposed to become addicted to things.. it can have a genetic component.

So.. without assurance that he is clean and in a good place?  I don't think you should actually encourage much contact.  In fact.. if he doesn't have an active custody order.. I might want that in place with some kind of assurance he is not using drugs as a condition of her being able to see him.

I actually don't think she is obligated to introduce her BF to him.. OR his parents.  Honestly, I think that sounds like a fairly bad idea ... she barely knows him herself at the moment.. she doesn't need to complicate it.. 

and as LD said.. you can be the one to use as an excuse here.. 

hregal2011's picture

If he wasn't clean-she would not be going anywhere with him 100%.  We do have a custody order and he does not see her as much as it states he should-her choice because of his living situation.

advice.only2's picture

We couldn’t keep Spawn shielded from Meth Mouth, the courts joyfully did everything they could to keep Spawn connected to her toxic drug addict mother.  Spawn was exposed to very bad things that no kid should be.  Seeing her mom arrested, sharing a room with her while she screwed guys behind a sheet strung up, raising her brother while meth mouth would get high and pass out, and lying for her mom while she harbored a fugitive.  That's just a very small bit of what she endured, and that was just on "visitation" time.  Thankfully the courts have not forced you to hand your daughter over to this POS for weekends and weeks at a time.  Personally from seeing firsthand how bad it really is for the kids, keep our daughter away from this crap!

thinkthrice's picture

Would do if Meth Mouth was a guy? I.e. biodad?  The courts would not be trying to reunify SD to the Meth infused bio father!  They would more likely issue an RO on behalf of SD.

HUGE double standard!

advice.only2's picture

Right had DH been the drug addict he never would have seen his kid again.  In the old days Meth Mouth could clean herself up and cry in court and appear small and pathetic.  Reality was she broke down a door and beat a grown man with a tire iron...but because she's 5 foot nothing and waif status all dumb men see is sad little innocent female.

Harry's picture

As DS/DD are more likely to do drugs / get hooked on drugs then DS/DD of familys that don't have drug use.   That a common medical excepted theory.  So exposing your DD to the ex and his drug use is not a good idea.  No reason to temp her.  You ex wanting to meet her BF family is out of the question,

Can You ex come off normal, it is he and BF parents going to exchange prision storys,  Does he has that drugy look.  drugy Speech.  Is he going to ask them for money?  Is your DD ,BF parents going to tell there son. He nuts for dating your DD ?

I dealt with the crazy, alcoholic ex. At his age anybody could see he was a professional alcoholic.  He never support his kids, or saw them. He could not be sober enough to pick them up,  He know my DW would call the police for a breathalyzer test .   Fortunately for all he drank himself to death when kids were 11 .

Bad part mt DW wanted us to pay for his funeral.  You know for the kids  I said I would kick in the only  $35 of support he ever paid.  Did not need his $35  even though it's was for ghetto kids 


SteppedOut's picture

Your ex wanted you to pay for her exes funeral? 
