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So I'm the evil step mom now (officially)

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So, I had already told my SD5 not to climb on the fence once and also told her that if I caught her doing it again that she would not be playing with the neighbor kids for the rest of the day. I caught her doing it again. So I told her she needed to come in. She was sobbing in her room and I left her be so she can think about what she's done as I didn't send her to her room just told her to come in. My DH hears her whimpering and goes in to comfort her. He starts talking to her about it and asking her why she did it and she lied to his face and said she never climbed on the fence.

SD5 driving me absolutely nuts!

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First thing that's driving me bonkers is that SD5 is getting to watch more tv each day than DH and I..... but when I change the channel and she starts whining, he just wants to give in and turn it back (not as often lately since he's been home all day with us the last few weeks), but basically she watches 2-3 hours in the am while she's eating breakfast and after that until lunch to keep her occupied while I do homework and other tasks. During lunch, it's on her channels too. I usually turn it off as soon as lunch is over so that she's not watching too much of it.

Bedtime Disasters Still Happening!!!

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So I took the advice of one of the ladies that posted to an earlier entry and attempted to just stop checking on SD5 after we put her in her room. The first night, the ONLY time I checked on her was when I heard her jumping up and down in her room and I sternly yelled at her for that since DH didn't even get up or care. UGH! SERIOUSLY? He was sitting right next to me and could hear it too!!! Seriously pisses me off. If he hadn't been sitting there I would have screamed at her and been tempted to swat her butt instead of just telling her off sternly.

UGH! Tired of DH thinking I'm just trying to be mean...

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So we were out for a celebration dinner with my family this evening and were having a great time. SD5 did really well the whole time sitting and playing quietly at the table for nearly an hour and a half. After dinner we all gathered at a park to just spend more time together since my family lives 2 hours away and we don't see them often. We stayed out past SD5's bedtime (which is 8pm) and got home about an hour ago. We put her straight to bed because she was getting tired and cranky on the ride home, skipping stories.

Weirdest Question Ever

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So I know that as a 5 year old, my SD is going through a transitional stage from early childhood into middle childhood where she is struggling with independence vs. toddlerhood and wanting to cuddle and be treated like a baby, but last night she asked my DH to cuddle with her while she was going to the bathroom. I told her that that was never ok. I didn't do it mean or anything but we've been working on dad not seeing her naked for the last year or so, and we're working on closing the bedroom door when she's changing and the like.

Fed UP!

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I know kids will be kids and they will have their moments of defiance but I am seriously getting fed up with my SD's behavior. Tonight, she was going to the bathroom (and announced it to us like usual) and my DH told her to brush her teeth while she was in there. After about 10 minutes I go to check on her and as I open the door I catch her hopping her butt back onto the toilet (undies still around her ankles). She immediately starts saying she was going potty and I told her "no, if you are going potty your butt is on the toilet and you're trying to go potty.

To have one of my own?

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I'm not really sure how to present this. I'm on the fence as to whether or not my DH and I should have a kid of our own in the future. It's definitely not going to happen in the near future (at least 2 years) but I can't help but contemplate whether or not I should have one at all. I've discussed this with my DH a couple times and he has said that it's really up to me. He said that it would be better financially for us to not have one so that we can go through with our plans to retire early and move to a foreign country at some point in our lives, but if I wanted one, he would try.

Guilty daddy...

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Ok, writing this while it's still fresh. Just got done with a cigarette after getting mad at DH not once, but TWICE already tonight for falling asleep in SD4's room spooning with her. He doesn't even spoon with me anymore! I'm sick of him thinking he can coddle her and this night-time mess will just go away.


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So, after last post, Ally (SD4) was grounded to her room all day yesterday after many chances to listen to me and to choose to go to sleep (then later to pick up her books). She is again grounded until her father comes home (as I only grounded her in a couple hour increments ie before school, after school til dad comes home, and lastly until bedtime). I haven't been able to come up with a more suitable consequence after taking away tv time the next day (also done in increments) and taking away her night light.

Night-time Nightmare

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So, new here like a lot of others who posted, but thought I'd put in my two cents...

I seem to have fewer issues than some who describe absolute nightmares, but I definitely have a few of my own. Like putting my 4yo step-daughter to bed; especially when there's company over. One instance being tonight: