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So I'm the evil step mom now (officially)

hanneyh1's picture

So, I had already told my SD5 not to climb on the fence once and also told her that if I caught her doing it again that she would not be playing with the neighbor kids for the rest of the day. I caught her doing it again. So I told her she needed to come in. She was sobbing in her room and I left her be so she can think about what she's done as I didn't send her to her room just told her to come in. My DH hears her whimpering and goes in to comfort her. He starts talking to her about it and asking her why she did it and she lied to his face and said she never climbed on the fence. He asked her "then why did SM send you inside?". She said I don't know and said she didn't climb the fence again, then DH started on a new topic like it was no big deal for her to lie to him!, so I walked in and I looked at her and ALL I SAID was "Lying to your father is going to get you into more trouble". Then stood there. DH got mad because I said something, not contradicting him, not yelling, not talking over him, not doing anything but telling her that she will be in more trouble if she lies to her dad. So he stood up and stormed outside to have a cigarette and I followed him and said he had no reason to be angry with me for actually parenting her and not allowing her to lie to his face like she did. He went off and started saying that I am too hard on her and I'm always just mean and actually called me an evil stepmom! From his own lips! I got really pissed and dared him to call me that again. If those words ever leave his mouth again, I will leave this house. I will leave for as long as it takes him to realize that he only parents when he finds it convenient for him and that he had no idea how good he has it with me here. If I go, she will lie to his face, manipulate him into getting what she wants, eat too much candy and sugar, refuse to eat dinners and lunches, not use her manners. He will probably starve, get frustrated with his homework and with SD, get overwhelmed with all the chores or the house will become essentially uninhabitable, and have no time for himself. He is so selfish! I admit, I should have just let him deal with her, but I was not going to just stand by and let her disrespect him like that, even if he would!!! I never even created a front of disjointedness. I believe I was helping him but he sees it as me overruling him and thinks I do it just to be a bitch. I was trying to CREATE a united front and uphold SD's respect for him. He was the one who created a disjointed front by getting pissed and walking away instead of telling me later how he felt about what I did.... UGH! Next time, I will just let him deal with everything. I'm just going to start avoiding her whenever she's here which will mean a lot of time spent alone in my room or outside or at the barn with my horse... because if I let him deal with everything, I will start to hate her.


round2's picture

Welcome to the club. Unfortunately we have quite a large membership

3familiesIn1's picture

Oh My.

Your DH and my DH must be related.

SS6 is not allowed to be sad. If and a big IF he actually gets 'talked to' about something, it ends with tickles or a game so that any talking to immediately is dismissed beacuse the prince isn't allowed to be sad or upset in anyway.

SS6 is a mean child, he hurts others, he enjoys it, he lies to your face when caught red handed - its rare anything is done. In the first year, I treated him as I treat my own children, unfortunately, my bios learned a long time ago not to do things you aren't supposed to, therefore, I was 'picking' on SS because he was constantly in trouble ... mmmm that is because nobody had ever taught him right from wrong - EVER. So, once I was told in many verbal fights that I was picking on SS, that I hated SS, that I was too hard on SS - I gave up.

DH IF he does anything, he talks to SS about 'it'. Which is DH telling SS not to do 'it' again - while SS looks somewhere else, plays with some toys or watches TV. If for some odd reason SS appears angry (note, not upset, only ever angry for getting caught) he is tickled and played with until he is screaming with laughter then and only then the 'punishment' is complete but not before DH pats himself on the back for handling it.

Good luck!!

Willow2010's picture

This brings back some memories for me. Lol

SS always got into trouble. I mean big trouble. Fighting, stealing school suspensions. All kinds of crap kindergarten all the way up to high school. IF…and that is a big if…DH ever tried to discipline him for that, DH would get all upset within 10 minutes and be kissing his ass, joking with him or buying him something, because he could not stand for SS to be sad for over a few minutes. Or mad at DH.

Not me…my DD got into a little trouble in her tween years, ONE time. I MADE her feel like crap for well over a month. She knew she was a disappointment in my eyes at that time. And she NEVER did anything like that again.

That is why SS did his crap over and over and over. He knew that BM and DH would basically reward him after they tried to discipline him. Weirdo’s!

Unhappy's picture

Holy crap Willow. My DH has done the exact same thing. There was the time that all three of the kids decided that they were going to make breakfast when DH and i were alseep. This involved SD(6) at the time burning her hand on the toaster, saying the S word after she did it, trying to stick a butter knife in the toaster while they were toasting something, and mad a huge mess in the process.

Their punishment was eating plain oatmeal and only had water to wash it down. They knew what they were doing was wrong. What did DH give them directly after breakfast? Ice cream. So what did the kids learn? Do what ever you want and even though you get punished you still get rewarded and DH is the cool person and I suck.

hanneyh1's picture

I hate that that is the outcome of DH's being buttkissers... that the SMom's get stuck being the bitch all the time. That's why I'm ready to just step back for everything. It's his job. Except helping her bathe, since we've been stressing that boys should never see her naked, not even her dad. That's the only thing I'm willing to do right about now.

hanneyh1's picture

may I use your opening line as my signature on the site? I'd like your approval before I use it....

B22S22's picture

--->"I will leave for as long as it takes him to realize that he only parents when he finds it convenient for him and that he had no idea how good he has it with me here. If I go, she will lie to his face, manipulate him into getting what she wants, eat too much candy and sugar, refuse to eat dinners and lunches, not use her manners. He will probably starve, get frustrated with his homework and with SD, get overwhelmed with all the chores or the house will become essentially uninhabitable, and have no time for himself. He is so selfish!:<---

Dang... you already know the ending to this story? Eh, I'd sit back and let the circus begin. Do you have any popcorn?

hanneyh1's picture

Thanks ladies! You all gave me a couple giggles and brightened my day! I especially liked the comment about the popcorn and the handbook with the decoder ring!!!! That's one of the best things about this site... I feel so much less alone! Thanks all for your support!