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No More Mr. Nice Guy

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I never wanted to be in the position of being the gatekeeper between an adult and their child, and I don't mind saying that I feel very resentful of BM3 and her choices that have led up to me being put in the position of raising her child a lot of the time and telling her "No, it's not a good time for you to drop by and get your 15 minute parenting fix."

We just transitioned from week on/week off to SD7 residing here full time and visiting BM3 3 weekends a month.

I used to be really accommodating, but that wasn't appreciated. It became an expectation. It's gotten to where there is little to no consideration as to what my family might be doing or what I might have going on. If it's good for her, it's supposed to be good for everyone else. Boooooo. I'm done. I'm taking my house back over and the drive by parenting is over.


Justme54's picture try to be giving to others. Before you know it, they think you are their personal doormat.