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I know JUST the place you can shove that baby wipe warmer!

fractioned's picture

So, now that I've nicely bowed out of Mother's Day brunch with BM and my SS' playdate mommy group...

I get a text from BM, who was sad to hear I'm not attending but wants to take me baby shopping instead.

Eff that. I bowed out of that, too. Hell, I'm 37 weeks prego and still working full time, I have a good excuse.

I'm still tempted to say thanks but no thanks, suggest lunch instead and try to talk to her. I just don't think anything I have to say will be heard. Since my DH doesn't care one way or another about these boundaries and she knows how much of a pushover he is - she will have won because she'll know that she's gotten to me and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

So here:

Dear BM,

Please let me have my family, please? You have your own already, so why don't you eff off and enjoy it instead of trying to keep one foot in mine?

