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fractioned's Blog

I know JUST the place you can shove that baby wipe warmer!

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So, now that I've nicely bowed out of Mother's Day brunch with BM and my SS' playdate mommy group...

I get a text from BM, who was sad to hear I'm not attending but wants to take me baby shopping instead.

Eff that. I bowed out of that, too. Hell, I'm 37 weeks prego and still working full time, I have a good excuse.

No Thank You, That's Quite All Right.

fractioned's picture

Here's what I get to say a big fat NO to this week:

NO, I'm not going to Mother's Day brunch with BM and all of SS' friend's mommies. And certainly not at 9 months pregnant when I'd have to stay sober!

NO, DH - we are not spending our new baby's first Christmas out of state with BM's family.

NO, I am not silly, childish, hormonal, or wrong for objecting to either of these things and thinking they are frickin' ridiculous.

Tax Question - Nosy BM - UGH

fractioned's picture

Steplife should come with a disclaimer that says "be prepared for all hope of privacy to go out the window".

My DH has something in his CO that seems a little atypical and I can't seem to find any information about it. I'm wondering if any of you have seen or had to deal with something similar.

The order basically says that in order to determine who claims my SS, both DH and BM have to run their numbers and whomever gets the most benefit from claiming him does, and has to cut a check to the other for half. There's a form for calculating this provided by the state.

Changes are coming, and nothing I can do.

fractioned's picture

BM's husband is losing his high income research job this fall (lack of funding). He and BM have known about this for over a year (since before they got married), and he's been looking for work the whole time. His career is very specialized, and the jobs he's been applying to are with universities all over the country (and some abroad).

BM is Being Nice (and my spidey sense is tingling)

fractioned's picture

So, the news that DH and I are expecting is spreading, SS9 seems excited about it, and now BM is starting to be really nice lately.

I'm glad she's being positive in regards to SS9 becoming a big brother - though it's still early on, and my expectations are low, I have been pleasantly surprised.

Here's where it gets a little creepy...

Patience, patience...

fractioned's picture

Okay, so I'm on the rag and hormonal. But this is the venting place, right?

I'm sad and pissed right now because I look back on my life and see that I'm always waiting for something to happen before I can have what I'm working for. And it never seems to happen. God, it seems so stupid to say that out loud but I'm still angry about it.

I grew up waiting for my parents to get their shit together and take care of us kids (one of them did, mostly - but I didn't benefit from it and my younger siblings have only somewhat).

"Transition Time"

fractioned's picture

Since I started seeing SO I've noted a sporadic co-sleeping thing. At first, it never happened when I stayed at the house when SS8 was there. I did notice that it was happening a lot when I wasn't, and I brought it up to SO saying that I wanted to be damn sure that I wouldn't be put into the position of "taking something away" by my presence. SO seemed to listen, but I don't think he quite "got it" because he doesn't see any potential for a problem here. He did say that when BM first moved out (a year and a half ago, plus) SS8 took it hard and slept with him every night.
