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fractioned's Blog

They're at the courthouse...

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... right now, to finalize the divorce!

Please, please let this go well. I don't get to see my SO tonight since he's going out with a friend for some well-deserved fun. But my heart is in my throat. I'm so worried that the judge will decide that SO and BM's agreement isn't good enough and start changing things... or that BM will surprise him and not go along with what they agreed to do... or that some piece of forgotten paperwork will get requested and they have to delay everything.

Progress and Hope

fractioned's picture

The papers are now filed with the court. Smile

I hope the date to finalize the divorce is set soon.

I hope it's not discovered that they are missing some crucial thing that will delay this even further.

I hope the judge sees that SS8 is being brilliantly provided for and CS isn't a necessity.

I hope the judge also sees that BM doesn't need alimony. It would be an awful shame for her to see a penny after how she's behaved.


Easter Fun with BM's Family (a tad long, but actual fun)

fractioned's picture

WOW, what a weekend!

Easter was also SS7's (now SS8!) birthday this year. SO had him all last week, and the normal visitation switch is on Sunday. So, we celebrated his birthday all week long so he could enjoy the presents we got him with us before he had to go with BM. BM was out of state all week on vacation but had planned on having a family party for him Sunday evening. SO and I were cordially invited.

Then, mid-week, a surprise!

What would you do with the money? OR, more boundaries NOW, please...

fractioned's picture

So tonight is the big Mega Millions drawing - half a billion dollars! SO and I both bought tickets. We were discussing what we would each do with the money on the way to work today. Here's the scary part of the conversation:

SO: "I wonder if it would be better to start the addition to the house, or just get a bulldozer and start over?"

Me: "You'd seriously want to stay where you're at if you had that much money?"

SO: "It's SS7's home."

Me: "It's a good home, SO. I can see why you'd want to do that."

Fractioned goes drinking with the BM, skid birthdays, and SO fires his lawyer! OR, Oh, boy...

fractioned's picture

Well, it's been a thoroughly exciting week...

Last week SS7 was sick and SO was home with him. I stayed at my own place most of the time, since I really can't afford to come down with something that would take me out of work. So, I went to happy hour, and who should I run into but BM and her best buddy!

"A Dingo Ate My Nerf Gun!"

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Well, not a dingo - apparently it was a coyote. :?

Background: SS7 really loves his military stuff. Tanks, guns, artillery, if it can kill someone you can bet he knows all about it. He watches hours of History Channel and Discovery, and can rattle off details of famous battles, important dates and names of generals better than some history majors I've met.

Go Away. (catty vent-fest, language)

fractioned's picture

WHY can't she just fade away into the night like a good little BM?

Please, BM, quit commenting on my SO's financial business. I know you still have joint accounts but the amount he spends at 7-11 is no longer your to comment on. And quit asking him to borrow money - you have a fucking boyfriend.

WHY can't her presence vacate this house that I might conceivably end up moving in to?

Don't Test Me... or, How to Nip it in The Bud

fractioned's picture

So, here it was - the first time I get to encounter some skid issues.

SO's S7 has been an absolute gem for the 5 months or so I've known him. He gets excited when I spend time at the house (every weekend, and occasional days during the week) and he seems very comfortable around me, always engages me, wants to play, etc. There aren't any problems with jealousy of affection, etc.

WTF are you thinking????

fractioned's picture

No, BM, your ex-husband and I are not going to be attending your Valentine's Day party.

You might think it's sentimental of us, but we have a better use for our first Valentine's Day together than sitting around your house watching you and your boyfriend get drunk with all of you and your ex-husband's old friends. Why on earth would we want to be there? Why would you want us to be there? How does your boyfriend feel about you inviting your ex-husband over to party down?
