foxymama87's Blog
Seriously? LMAO
This weekend was the slumber party for SD9. Will I host a slumber party for SD9 again? Hell no! This will probably be the first and last. Its just too much work and too stressful to do for someone who doesn't appreciate it. I didn't even get a thanks!
However it did go well. We all had a good time (more the girls then I of course.) SD9 at the end throw a little tantrum over a box of crayons (This girl is nine and she's crying over crayons.. ridiculous!) But other then that it went smoothly.
Anyway enough about that...
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girls slumber party..need ideas! any suggestions?
Okay so next weekend I'm going to be hosting SD9'd birthday slumber party and I need ideas on how to keep the girls busy for a day.
So far I have board games, silly string, a movie, a Friendship bracelet maker, nail polish, hair accessories and foam book marks they can decorate. I got small prizes to give away but I cant think of any fun games they would enjoy playing?
Any ideas on what to do? I honestly don't want to have them play our board games all day. I would prefer to be a little more creative.
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3 Cheers, to all the step mothers who deal with thoughtless, inconsiderate, unreasonable skids, spouses and just people in general! To someone who has taken on someone's else's child when you didn't have to. Here's to dealing with all the BS!!! And here's wishing you all more love, gratitude and loads of Fucking Patience!! Being a step mother is a stressful, unappreciated, Hard, role but in the end someone's gotta do it!!
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My plans are always pushed aside! Or “forgotten” prt 2
Well DH and I had a long talk about our Slumber party for SD9 issue and this is what went down...
(read first blog to catch up.) DH told me I quote "he's not going to argue with the ex-wife about whose going to have SD9 on her Birthday weekend." According to him "we've had SD9 on her birthday for 4 years in a row so It wouldn't be right for him to tell bitch face not to have her."
My plans are always pushed aside! Or “forgotten”
Okay so since June I had made plans to have a slumber party for SD9’d birthday on Oct. (Yes a little early, I know.) Well I had spoken to both SD9 and DH about it and they both thought it was a wonderful idea. SD9 was and still is excited about it since it will be her first slumber party ever. Poor girl never has friends over so I thought it would be a nice thing to do. So as we all discussed plans and ideas for the party through out the months I took the liberty of creating an invitation and even went to Publix with SD9 to see what b-day cake she would like.
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9 year old doesn’t really have a bedtime thx to dad!
Since I’ve known SD9 I’ve noticed that she really doesn’t have a bedtime no thanks to DF. They both always sleep with the damn Television on. I for one hate it! I like to sleep quietly in the dark but not these two. Well when SD9 was younger I didn’t make a big deal about it since she didn’t have to worry about waking up early to go to school, just like we didn’t have to worry about getting her ready. Well now that she is older and actually going to school It’s a whole different story.
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I can forgive but I will never forget......
Okay so for the past two days I’ve been taking SD9 to school because dear fiancé had to be in at work very early. Well this morning as we were both getting ready he asks me if I’m going to take her today. And I said no because he can since he doesn’t have to go to work so early and because he didn’t inform me about it sooner. Well then he tells me that he shouldn’t have to ask me to take her that it should be an initiative and I should want to take her to school… really?! it’s too early for this shit!
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Family portrait/photo
Is it normal to not have a family portrait or photo in your own home after 7 years of being with someone?
Dear Fiance and I have been living together for about 2 years now. If you visit us we have not one picture that includes me in it! We have No pictures in the living room/dinning room...none in our bedroom. The only room that has pictures is the office and its pretty much all of SD9. Pictures of her "growing Stages" In other words its like a freaking shrine of SD9 in that office!!! There is maybe one pic of SD9 and DF but the rest is all of her.
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Since MIL has been here she probably had spent about 2 maybe 3 grand. Sunday alone!!! MIL spent $700 dollars on school clothes/shoes for SD9. Along with another $350 for a damn Nook Color! Since MIL won’t be around for SD9’s birthday to celebrate with her she made it her priority to spoil her some more by getting her the nook as a b-day gift because the $700 she spent on clothes was obviously not enough for her dear granddaughter SD9... like seriously!!?
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“Treat your SD like you would your own child!”...SERIOUSLY???!!!! ugh
Why is it that your significant other always has to throw that in your face once or twice?