To ST Admins: Question
Is there a way to add an 'ignore' feature? So that if you have someone you'd prefer not to hear from, you can pull a facebook and just ignore? Just curious. I'd also like a 'Like' button Lmao.
- Fading's blog
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I second the like button
I actually looked for a
I actually looked for a "like" button to like this comment and then realized how stupid that was
A "like" button would be
A "like" button would be great.
Pretty much. Can't see what
Pretty much. Can't see what they write and they cannot comment on your blog. Just seems like there are some people out there that like to use hostility to 'give advice'. I understand having a difference of opinion, but some of the posts I've seen are downright rude and fingerpointy. Just figure we are here for support, not to receive a verbal smackdown (the last thing most of us need), and sometimes it seems it gets carried too far. Better to be able to just hit ignore than to feel like you have to defend yourself everytime you blog
I totally agree with you
I totally agree with you Fading!!!
Touche. But wouldn't it be
Touche. But wouldn't it be easier if you didn't have to go through your blog/comments and delete them? Just to know that "hey when I log on ST today, BabyBooButt is on ignore so I know I don't have to sit and get upset or frustrated from their rude commentary". I am personally not having any trouble with anyone, but I just know from reading some comments, people are being borderline offensive and blamestorming at the blogger. It may also help cut down on some of the hateraide. Not everyone here is going to be besties, but it would be nice if someone is going to hardcore hurrang you to be able to just say *click* ignore.
I like the "like" as for
I like the "like" as for ignore, there are a few people when I see their name I just keep scrolling as they NEVER have anything actually constructive or even remotely positive. It's almost better than ignore as they just don't get anything from me.
I figure if someone is asking
I figure if someone is asking a question on here, or even just venting, we should be supportive. There are ways to give advice or even criticism without attacking someone. And you never know how much someone is hurting or worrying over what they are asking about. And yeah, I've seen those posts too. Lots of finger-pointing and putting people down. Even gotten some myself on my own posts. Not cool. An ignore button would be fantastic!!!