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ESMe's Blog


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Easter sucked here. Swallowed my pride and bought his daughter a nice calla lily for easter. He delivered it to her ......he said it was from him. Wonder what he did with the card I wrote? He said he would be home by midnight....ya right. It was just a 'quick drop off'....ya right. He got home at 2 AM!.

Better...but she still stabbing at me...

ESMe's picture

Wow, can't believe I've not posted since October 2011! So much has happened. Basically from last time I posted the EVIL SD ignored me. SO said he would try to expidite her moving out. She of course continued to blame me for everything. I took some time to read some books on step-parenting and just realize there is nothing I can do and I had to really step away emotionally from her. I did reach out to her one last time and apologize for hurting her feelings, she stopped ignoring me, but never apologized to me for the cruel things she said; so I initiated the ignoring peice.


ESMe's picture

I wanna tape a butcher's knife to the fridge and write on it...."try this, it will hurt less".
I left yesterday to go grocery shopping cause I was watching TV and she turns her music up so loud in her room, so I turned TV up. Realizing I was stooping to her level, i just left. SO realized I went grocery shopping and asked how my trip to town was, I said, 'better than being home'. He said, "sorry to hear that'. I know this bs gets to him...but what am i to do?
Oh....and guess what....her new beau...has a 5 year old son! I feel so sorry for him!!!

So frustrated....

ESMe's picture

So, the saga continues!!! Don't know how much more I can take. I think my SO should just take a knife and stab me in the back, it would hurt less. I told myself no one would ever make me feel like a peice of s*** like this since my childhood; but I guess I was wrong.
Update, he asked me to marry EXCITED! We are going to go look at rings this friday :):). He told me to pick the date. I say ASAP. Perhaps she would leave then????

Unsure how to feel.....

ESMe's picture

Ok....well he told me he talked to her a little bit the other night and more yesterday. I asked him if she mad. He said no..."I put it to her that I know how unhappy she is and I think it's time for her to start looking for an apartment and I will help her with rent for a year and then she's on her own." He didn't tell her that he knew about her evil and cruel texts to me.

Hope I did the right thing....

ESMe's picture

Well, I finally had enough last night and did it. Told him the 'big things', and that I'm done with SD and can't live with her anymore. I thought he may get defensive, but he didn't. He said he would handle it. I told him that she had been talking about moving and then that's the last I heard over a month ago. He said she was going to save and move out in May. OMG! MAY????!!! I told him I couldn't deal with her till May. He said he would tell her that she needed to find somewhere else to live. I feel bad, and told him that; and that I feel it will be my fault that she needs to move.

I want her OUT!

ESMe's picture

So, I text her and tell her that I wanted her to know that I had nothing to do with her dad not going out to dinner with her (previous blog note). She text me back and told me she was pissed cause she did feel that way..but said her father corrected her. Then she proceeds to tell me she knows she can take him out with or without my permission anytime, and that the idea was for me to come, but that I don't go to any family functions, and that she loves me and is trying and accepts me as her stepmom and like having me in her life. (Makes me sick....all lies)

In laws......

ESMe's picture

Not just any husbands' parents....but his deceased wife's parents. Does anyone think I should try to build a relationship with them? The history on that one is that she's an alcoholic. Her daughter was the only child, I doubt she will move forward after all these years and alcohol. The woman doesn't look me in the eyes, which is really big ugh for me. It's her, not so much the step father in law. She hasn't been to this house since her daughter passed away. And guess what...she gets along GREAT with the SD, but neither of the boys; makes one think. She dotes and gives everything to her!
