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Mental (con't)

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You guys have been great with all your suggestions! I appreciate it, thanks for some sanity from this. It greatly helps to know I'm not crazy.
So, his birthday was yesterday. And SD text me wanting to know what 'we are doing for his birthday'...LOL I text her back and said i had to she can go ahead with her plans. And of course she was going to....she was going to take him out for his birthday dinner and have a friend of her's there too. He told me I should come..I said no she could have him all to herself. (we were planning a weekend trip didn't bother me)
Well, I get home and he is home. And his son and my daughter there to visit for his bday. Well SD gets there with a cake...:( A three layer german chocolate cake...HELLO...he's a diabetic! Granted that he should be allowed treats....but an entire three layer cake? They make great sugar free cakes now-a-days...>:)
So, I ask why they didn't go to dinner. She said he decided he didn't want to..that they will just go next week. He said he just didn't want to go, afterall they have never had dinner on his actual birthday. the time everyone's 7.30P. And I have to make dinner now.
And come to find out.....he texted her early in the morning and told her 'we can't do dinner tonight, sorry.' and she texted him back, 'I figured'.
So, that backfired on me big time. And then last night he tells me that he really wants to work on his shop this weekend instead of go somewhere for the planned weekend. Sad GREAT.
I gotta say...I think I want to get a micro-recorder and hide it somewhere in the livingroom and see what is really said about me. what you think??? My best friend says no....LOL ....but sure tempting Smile
