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enoughisenough2me's Blog

from one drama to another-will it ever end-i'm getting my own place fo sho

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so i'm probably going to get out on my own. i really screwed up last weekend (dont' care to share) and i'm 5050 on it. my mom told me if it happens again i'd be kicked out and that she doesn't care what i do but i'm not going to be living off her (i am paying my portion of the rent) and going out partying on the weekends. she also told me i can't have company over there much if at all because that's one thing she allowed my brother to do and he abused that privelage.

not really sure which way to go now

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so since i'm out of the house, i've paid my attorney her reatiner fee, and will be getting things filed soon, now just to figure out which way to go next. i'm about 20g in debt in student loans HOWEVER some was used to pay living expenses, so my mom and attorney suggested getting statements to prove that the extra i received went to household bills, etc (which i will be working on) so that he'll HAVE to pay a portion of the living expenses and help me get that paid off.

i'm out

enoughisenough2me's picture

i moved out over the weekend. i left stuff he'll need to take care of sd but got all my personal stuff out. fixing to get my attorney her retainer $$ so i can get this thing rolling

sd24 had her baby and i could care less

enoughisenough2me's picture

this is her 3rd bby, none have same dad, and all were the result of a drunken night, and dh wonders why i wont show any excitement (probably cause she's a REALLY GOOD example of a classic welfare druggie) hard work pays for her to spread her legs and keep getting knocked up......grrr

"oh joy, it's a baby boy" ok i'm done

He threatened suicide, then said "i wouldn't really do that"

enoughisenough2me's picture

things have gotten BAD. I'm talking with work to see what they can do to get me out and keep dd in school until school is over.

he mentioned suicide last night, until i got him to calm down then he said "you know i didn't mean that" i told him "you need help". i'm hoping my friend can come through for me, or i'll just be having to call in and leave early. i will probably be getting out this weekend.

i'm talking to my friend to get help getting out, i have a place to go, it's just a matter of working out my dd's best interests too

i told him how much i hate our situation

enoughisenough2me's picture

we talked last night, and i finally released ALL of my inner emotions out. i told him the only thing that keeps me coming home are sd14 and dd. and that when i'm home i feel so crushed, and the weight of the world on my shoulders and hate being there. i might be occupying the guest room tonight

he's going to give me a freaking heartattack!

enoughisenough2me's picture

so i revealed all my frustrations last night to him. we got into a fight, blah blah blah.

this morning i leave for work, no biggie, kids go to school, all is good. then he txts me "going to work with church friend not sure if i'll be home in time to get the kids inside" me: well, then just have him take you to sd's school and give her your key to the house or make sure you're home" he never took her a key
