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enoughisenough2me's Blog

update on me

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i don't know what i've updated you guys on so i'll just update. i think i posted that i had to get a restraining order last. the default didn't go through because he showed up and asked judge for mediation :sick:

well, through attorney, xh and i scheduled for me to return the xbox, and get my premaritial stuff...well, intuition kicked in, i called the local police to verify all was it wasn't. he never intended to leave, had i shown up, i would've been arrested. so i decided fuck em


enoughisenough2me's picture

well, since i've posted here's what's gone on with me. my gpa passed away, xh STILL e-mailing me and was threatened to be arrested, so we'll see how that goes. and he hasn't filed a response (deadline was Friday) so it should be defaulted this week. and i took a break from school and moved out from my mom's house.

so things are looking good-just wish idiot would GET THE FUCKIING HINT that i don't want nothing to do with him

i'll probably be moving out of my mom's tonight

enoughisenough2me's picture

nothing between me and her, but because her house got broken into, that NEVER happens in her area and nothing was taken. a door we NEVER use was open and another door was too---which we lock.

we both think it's soon to be xh, so i'm thinking about getting my stuff into storage and going to stay with a friend (cause other's have reported seeing him sitting across the road in a church parking lot-where we can't see but drivers going by can)

i had so much fun!

enoughisenough2me's picture

i did take my time, left my phone on but left it in the camper where i was staying, checked periodically, never any texts or phone calls, but unfortunately mom was mad when i got home, she didn't really talk to me until dd got home....o well, i'm looking hard for a place right now, so i guess i'll look harder

will be looking for my own place SOON

enoughisenough2me's picture

ok so apparently my lifestyle isn't compatible with my mom. i do go out when dd isn't home because it's my ONLY down time...which is a mere 4 days a month. apparently that is stressing my mom out, and depsite she hasn't had to clean the house, do her laundry, the dishes or do much of ANY yard work unless she beats me to the punch and i jump when she asks something of me i'm not being a contributing memeber of the family because i like to go out all night when dd isn't home. of course i told her, 4 days a month is ALL i ask for or the weekends dd isn't home so i can take regular breaks.

getting a restraining order

enoughisenough2me's picture

I talked to my attorney, and sent her copies of the e-mail exchanges, she said based on what i said/he said, a restraining order will be put in place AND because he's purposely signed up to be in school when i am AND dd's dad thinks he saw him watching us at my mom's house

so i should have it today according to my attorney. and work is parking me in big wig lot where there's surveilence, etc.

soon to be xh is freaking stalking me now!

enoughisenough2me's picture

I have told him over and over through e-mail to leave me ALONE. well, he has scheduled his classes the same night as me at the same school KNOWING where i go. my xh called and said that he's not positive, but that he thinks he saw him sitting in a parking lot across the street from my mom (where i live) the driver turned his head as he pulled out.


enoughisenough2me's picture

I don't know if she's still on here, but who can tell me how to get a hold of sparky?
