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Does anyone else?

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Does anyone out there know if it's a normal right of passage that kids go though where they feel like they have to be right about EVERYTHING?????? My SD9 has been so argumentative about everything lately and I don't know why. I don't know if it's bc I'm noticing it more or if I'm pissy and everything she does bothers me. I'm talking for example something as simple as I say white she says black. She argued with me about what we had for dinner last night! She knew what we had and still said something else.

Can't catch a break

emilymarie's picture

Is 9 too young for girls to have mood swings? My SD9 has been so moody lately. Mom lives across the country and sees her twice a year. So guess what that means? We get her 24/7 and I mean that literally. She doesn't go to friend's houses or even grama's. I just need a break and can't take it anymore! I have a hard time loving a child who isn't mine, God do I try though. I spend a lot more time w her than DH bc he works late some nights. I just don't know how much more I can take- she doesn't even look at me as a mother all. Sorry, just had to vent.

DH growing a backbone?

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So lots of snow where we are and SD and DH decide to go sledding. I'm home watching the baby, totally fine cuz I'm not a huge fan of sledding. SD9 wants to wear boots that are too small for her and have been for a while. Dad says no wear your other boots. Back and forth back and forth until they are late picking up her friend who's going sledding too. Finally DH says put the right boots on or we're not going at all! Boots are not something to cry about! Especially when you're 9 years old!

why should bm get all the love when she lives a plane ride away?

emilymarie's picture

Sd9 mom lives across the country and sees her twice a year...Result? Sd lives w us full time...and I mean fullll time....too afraid to spend the nite anywhere. So why does sd tell mom when she calls once a month that she's the best mommy in the World? I'm more of a mother figure and yet I can't get used tothat idea and feel like I can't step upand be that for her. She's cold to me and barely hugs me goodnite. Any Advice?

Home from the Holidays

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My SD9 is back with us fulltime after visitation with BM for a week. It's so weird and awkward bc she got home last night and barely said boo to me. She always waits for me to say hello before she talks to me. Depending on my mood, I might not say hello first for a couple of hours. DH senses this and tries to make jokes and break the tension. SD won't be seeing mom until spring break in late April. Why is it that every time she comes home whether it be from school or a friend's house or if her and DH went somewhere together, it's like we start all over again in our relationship?

Holiday Fun!!

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So BM is coming home tomorrow for the first time since she moved across the country in May. SD9 is anxious of course, who wouldn't be after not seeing their mother for 7 months? However, she has been picking fights with me for the last week which she never ever does. (now with her father that's a different story) She has to be right about EVERYTHING and will argue with me when she knows she's wrong.

How do my husband and I become a united front?

emilymarie's picture

I have a 9 yr old sd whose father thinks she can do no wrong. I have a 3 month old baby girl with him and as a first time mom I would like to think she'll do no wrong too but I know that's not true. Anyway, one night she told him to shut up and I was in the hall doing laundry, heard it and peeked around the corner and said "Young lady, we don't talk like that in this house." Her eyes bugged out like she couldn't believe I heard that and started to cry crocodile tears because she knows daddy hates to see her cry.

Wrapped around daddy's finger

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I have never blogged before. I am a stepmom to a wonderful 9 year old girl. However, she has daddy wrapped around her finger like you wouldn't believe! When it's just her and I, she's wonderful, well behaved, happy and even mature for her age. But when dad's around, she's whiny, asks to be waited on, manipulates, lies, and acts like she's 2. I'm on the outside looking in and see these 2 different sides of her. Daddy just caters to her like she's a princess, despite discussions we've had about how she's acting.
