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Can't catch a break

emilymarie's picture

Is 9 too young for girls to have mood swings? My SD9 has been so moody lately. Mom lives across the country and sees her twice a year. So guess what that means? We get her 24/7 and I mean that literally. She doesn't go to friend's houses or even grama's. I just need a break and can't take it anymore! I have a hard time loving a child who isn't mine, God do I try though. I spend a lot more time w her than DH bc he works late some nights. I just don't know how much more I can take- she doesn't even look at me as a mother all. Sorry, just had to vent.


stressgirl79's picture

I have an SD8 and she is the moodiest little ***** that I have ever seen! I don't know if it is something to do with the age, I have vague memories of being a little ***** myself between the ages of like 8 and 22 Wink Talk to DH and just tell him that you are concerned that she is having some issues. If you frame it like that it won't sound like you're complaining and it might even activate his "superhero" guy genes. In the meantime, do what I do: if she rolls her eyes at you, roll yours right back and start taking away the things she likes. (TV, iPod, toys, whatever.) And try to get out of the house without her once in a while, being by yourself or with friends does wonders for the state of mind. Good luck!

Missing_Me's picture

I feel for you and your situation, My SD10 just started her period, we went through what I call "living hell" for 3 months, I could not even be in the same room with her, even when she wasn't speaking because I was still ready to choke the shit out of her from the last smart ass remark, then BAMMMM, she started her period. It explained A LOT we had a nice long talk, she understood "do as I say, not as I do" and "because I said so". She feels like she's growing up and realized if she wants to be a little lady, then she must act the way that I believe a little lady should act.

We were close before the mood swings, wanted to kill each other before and now we are getting better and I hope and believe that we will end up closer then ever! I will let you know that my first reaction was to disengage, I changed my mind quickly and let everyone know would I tolerate ANY attitude, mood swings or talking back, if they chose to do so, they could be expecting an ass whooping, and if dear old dad didn't like it, then he could find a sitter. Once everyone realized that I was DEAD serious, everything changed.

Good luck, maybe try my way. threaten them with bodily harm (but, don't really hurt them) or to take everything away and DO IT.. These are our houses these little children think they can disrespect and they and DH and even BM need to understand, it AINT going to happen!

simifan's picture

Try tracking her moodiness on a calendar, if it cycles you have your answer. BTW, 9-10 is not uncommon to start your cycle anymore. It's entirely possible.

007Lostit's picture

We have an 8 year old and yes, they can be moody little buggers. I agree with the other advice...try to get dad to understand that you need some "you" time, and he should be present a little more.