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Dawn-Moderator's Blog

Treatment of Moderators

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The moderators on this site are volunteers. They put in their own time and effort to help keep this site running. Disrespectful treatment of our moderators WILL NOT be tolerated. If you don't agree with something, then you can address it in a private message, in a respectful manner.

I applaud the moderators of this site!!!! Thanks!!!!!


Thank YOU!!!!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I was just deleting and blocking some spammers and I wanted to extend a sincere thank you to all of those who flag the spammer blogs and comments. It is an enormous help!!!! I appreciate ALL of you!!! Keep up the good work!!

Thanks!!!!!! Smile


OT: Hooray!!!!!!!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I just got the test results back on the puppy and they came back that she is CURED!!! I'm soooo happy I'm over here crying tears of joy!!!!

I have to compose myself to go pick my other dog up at the groomer!!



What Do You Think About This?

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Ss took a industrial arts class(shop, basically) this trimester. We paid the materials fee. Ss made this little table thing. He stained it the same color as his new bedroom furniture that we bought him this past summer so he could use it at a night stand.

I guess ss must have told Bm that he made this table and now she wants it so ss can put it in her "new" rental house. Dh told her that he would leave it up to ss. Ss wouldn't really say. He is probably feeling the Bm guilt trip coming.

Ss's Bad Attitude

Dawn-Moderator's picture

It's really just aimed at me mostly. I've noticed that when ss is getting along well with Bm, he treats me very badly. Lately, since Bm got her lawsuit settlement of what has to be at least more than $100,000, she's been buying ss everything he wants.

They went window shopping over the weekend so she could make sure to buy EVERYTHING for his Christmas. So of course she is successfully buying him off and he really thinks she's the bees knees right now.

I'm So Excited!!!!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I helped my ss study for two quizzes and two tests on Thur. night. I was a little nervous about it because it was a lot for him to remember.

I just checked his grades on-line and he got A's on both tests and both quizzes!!!! Yeah!!!! Success!!!!

