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Dawn-Moderator's Blog

Just Wondering What Others Think

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Yesterday ss got his yearbook at school. Ss of course was one of the only kids if not the only one that had to get two yearbooks because Bm had to have one too. I feel bad for ss always having to be different from all of the other kids. I know that there are a lot of kids who come from divorced homes but no one else had two yearbooks.

The only solution that I can think of is for us to not order one. Then I thought to myself, "but ss lives here. This is his permanent residence so why shouldn't he get to keep a yearbook here?"

Woohoo!! Ss's Report Card Looks Good!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Well, we got the report card in the mail today. It looks really good!! All of the perseverance and hard work paid off. Only two more trimesters until summer.

Ss got 5 A's, 2 B's and 1 C. That is awesome! The C was in Spanish. That's the only class that we can't track the assignments online. Not to mention, neither of us speak Spanish. Anyway, we are working on that one.

So, we are keeping ss off of ADD medication for now. It's more work but I think the benefits are worth it.


Did I Do the Right Thing?

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I previously wrote about ss getting interviewed for a local newspaper today. Well, after the reporter was finished asking him some questions she wanted to talk to me. She asked me my name and Dh's name and if we all had the same last name. I said yes but......

I told her that I was the stepmom just so she didn't assume I was the mom. I could just picture having ss's picture in the paper and underneath the caption would read son of and then my name and Dh's name. Then I pictured Bm reading that and, well, you know the rest.


Dawn-Moderator's picture

Well, it's our 6th wedding anniversary today! My Dh and ss are at their Boy Scout camp. It ended up that the troop decided to not spend the night so they will be coming home around or a little after dinner.

I went and bought some flowers to plant. By the time I'm done planting and have to start watering all of these things, I'll be wondering what I was thinking!! Oh well, at least I'm keeping busy today and getting some things done.


Sneaky Stepson

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I went in ss's room to put his clean laundry away and to get his bedding to wash and I happened to glance over at some storage tubs that he has. They have his old action figures and stuff in them.

I am planning on having a garage sale this summer and I thought I would see if there was anything that he didn't want. So, I opened the lid of one of the tubs and the first thing I saw was a cell phone! It wasn't mine, it wasn't Dh's and ss doesn't have one(that we know of). I tried to turn it on but it either didn't work or the battery was dead.

Acting Like She is the Only Parent

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Bm signed ss up for summer band and didn't tell us. We sent the summer band info to her so she could see if any of the dates conflicted with her plans. Summer band falls on a lot of her days this year but there are still some days that we would be responsible for getting ss there. So, she asked ss if he wanted to do it, signed the papers and turned them in.
