DarkStar's Blog
SS18 is graduated and out
By the skin of his teeth he graduated. We went to the graduation and held a small party at our house. He moved in with BM last weekend. It was sad and a relief all at the same time. Turns out the factory where SS18 was going to work (same place as BM) isn't hiring anyone this summer. They live in a rural area and SS18 has not taken drivers ed nor has a drivers license. I give it one more week before BM is blowing up DH's phone with the same crap we dealt with....no job...no license....plays video games all day....yep, and that's why he can't live here anymore!!!! Once I got over the
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O/T Carpet
That's it, I've flipped my lid, lost my sh!t, flown the coop, gone plain crazy!!!!!! Over carpet. I love spring, it's my favorite time of year, but it's also the time of year when my beloved doggy starts eating grass and the puking and pooping starts. Generally in our bedroom, of course.
Last night, one puke on the carpet. This morning, one poop on the tile, one NASTY poop on the carpet!!!! Almost had another puke to clean up from myself!
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For real??????
6 weeks til SS18 graduates, 7 weeks until he GTFO of our house. This morning he leisurely strolls downstairs and I say, "You just missed the bus." He ignores me and starts walking outside. I say, "Hello, did you hear me? I saw the bus drive away, you missed the bus!" He says, "Oh, it's OK, I can just call them and they will pick me back up."
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Horrified and at a loss
DH and I got guardianship of our niecenow8 back in August. She is diagnosed on the autistic spectrum. We've been doing so well with her, a few steps back here and there.....then yesterday happens.
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SS18, lies, and the ANGER
I can't stand to even be in the same room with this kid, I'm so sick of his crap.
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Updates all around!!!
So much going on!!!!
The wonderful......SD20 gave birth to a little girl, SGD, a few weeks ago. She is precious and adorable and perfect!! I am a proud Mimi. SD20 had a "shotgun" wedding a couple of months ago in the local courthouse.
SD24 is pregnant with their first, a boy, due in July. Everyone is thrilled! She and hubby are high school sweethearts, got married when they finished college a few years ago.
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She's here....long update
It's done, she's here. First day of school was Monday. It went OK, she was nervous and acted out a bit, but the teachers and associates at her new school are terrific. Tuesday went much better, so I'm crossing my fingers that she's gonna be OK. She also knows another girl in her class, they used to attend the same school! The one BG7 just transferred from! We live in a fairly large urban area, so this is quite the coincidence. I'm really glad she has a friend to show her the ropes and hopefully meet other new friends.
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Here we go Part 2
Part 1 from earlier today, all history and acronyms defined: https://www.steptalk.org/blog/darkstar/oh-boyhere-we-go-part-1-274373
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OH boy....here we go Part 1
Flippin pinch me, is this really happening??
Background....and beware, we're headed into Jerry Springer territory here.
DH is the product of both his parents' 2nd marriage.
DH mom/MIL had two kids from the first marriage (Sis1 and Bro1). The dad up and left with his secretary and moved 1000 miles away. Sis1 and Bro1 never see him or their new half brothers/sisters. MIL gets CS
DH dad/FIL had three kids from the first marriage (TX1,TX2,TX3). They divorce and the mom takes all kids to Texas. FIL pays CS and rarely sees the kids.
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First Day of School
Every parent and stepparents favorite day of the year!!!!! I was singing and dancing as SS18 left the house this morning.
SS18 is the last kid at home, he's a senior. He will probably be living at home for a couple more years after high school to attend an automotive program at our local CC here in town, which is fine with me. Probably will be the only out of the 3 to actually graduate and do something with a degree!
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