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For real??????

DarkStar's picture

6 weeks til SS18 graduates, 7 weeks until he GTFO of our house.  This morning he leisurely strolls downstairs and I say, "You just missed the bus."  He ignores me and starts walking outside.  I say, "Hello, did you hear me?  I saw the bus drive away, you missed the bus!"  He says, "Oh, it's OK, I can just call them and they will pick me back up."

Hold the frickin phone.  They will do WHAT????  OK, so he rides a "special" bus since he's autistic and gets picked up/dropped off directly in front of the house.  But, going BACK to pick him back up if he misses????  Yep, they sure do.  So I told him no way and he'd better start walking.  It's about 1/2 hour walk and it's in the 50s so he's fine.

So I call the bus barn and tell them although we appreciate the kindness, we would prefer that they NOT go back to pick up SS18 if he misses the bus.  We are trying to teach him responsibility!!!  The bus lady was quiet and said, "You are the ONLY parent that has asked us to do this.  We started this because so many parents were complaining that we weren't going back to try to pick them up again."  

So there you go my STalker friends.  It's not just parents that are doing this child-centric crap, it's society as a whole.  At home we try to teach him accountability and responsibility and the minute he steps out of the house someone somewhere completely undoes everything!


CLove's picture

Enabling to the point of disablement.

floralsm's picture

I had no idea bus drivers did this! If I was running late dad would drive me to another bus route and say tough if I was late for school. That got me up earlier to make sure I never missed my bus as I was late for school and had to report to the office. Good for you to call the bus driver and tell her that. I can't believe the expectation of SS being like 'oh it's ok they will pick me up' uhh it's not ok for that to happen! How spoilt and entitled he must feel to expect that to happen? That would piss me off so much. 

Rags's picture

If I was the administrator, I would tell the parents to F-off and to make sure their kids have good walking shoes.

Our kid missed the bus only twice that I recall while in HS. He took off out of the house running like his hair was on fire, through the woods to the next neighborhood over to catch the bus. Either that or he had to run the 5+miles to his HS and not be late.  He knew that his life was seriouisly in jeopardy if he was late for school. His mom and I made it clear that his job was school and had better not screw it up.

Kids are so screwed.

