dandelion wishes's Blog
When does it get better?
It has been almost a month since I posted here. Last time I posted was to let you know that my exF had asked me to marry him, but only if we did not live together. I said no to that. Then he blocked me via text (I never reached out anyway so weird move) but said feel free to email him (I have not.) Then silence for two weeks until he sent me an email wishing me a happy birthday at the end of May. I did not respond.
The legal battle continues over the house as we try to come to an agreement on an amount for me to "buy him out." It is nearing a close.
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Proposal to being blocked in 5 days!
My previous blog mentioned that my ex-fiance proposed to me (again) via text. (Yeah.) He wanted to be married, but not live together. Nope - that is not for me. Now he blocked me because of something written in my attorney's letter. Wth? I never reach out to my exF anyway. He told me he was going to block me, but I "could feel free to email." This is such bizarre behavior. Well, bipolar behavior I suppose. He seems to be worsening. I have to stop trying to rationalize the irrational.
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I am still entertaining ridiculousness 1.5 years after he left.....
So it has been about 8 months since I have last posted. Hard to believe. And here I am still in pain. You would have to go back and read my previous blogs, but the short of a long story is that my fiance left me and my daughter (who he helped raise for 8 years) on Christmas Day 2022, unexpectedly. He left the house we own together and left me with all of the financial upkeep and maintenance. He got a tiny apartment and invited his youngest adult mentally ill daughter to live with him. (He regrets leaving.
Transported back to pain and feeling powerless....
So it has been 12 days since I have heard from him. Three weeks ago, he was professing his love for me and wanting to reuinte (which was real btw - I've been with the man long enough to know real vs false with him) and I actually thought he might have turned a corner, but his YD-18 put a stop to that. First she punished him for a week after the "white trashville" fiasco (see previous blog) by staying with her mom, then I am very sure she gave her dad (my ex-fiance) an ultimatum: Dandelion or me. So the youngest adult daughter is calling the shots.
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It seems I'm the scapegoat
So a quick update to "white trashville" which is how my ex-fiance called the drunken showdown on Saturday night (see previous blog.) He has completely disowned his friend, and his daughter is no longer staying with him. (She is likely punishing him.) I have not heard from him since last Saturday because I am being punished in return. Apparently this is all my fault. "The scars run deep with his daughter." Wow. You would think I completely shunned her and treated her horribly. I did not. I was always kind to her.
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Eight months since my last post - please help
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He Left on Christmas Day - Update
This is a follow-up from my previous blog of the same title. I really need help getting through this...
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He left on Christmas day..
So I have been away from StepTalk for the last two months just due to life being incredibly busy with any free time going to aging parents and preparing for the holidays. I don't know where to begin, but encourage anyone reading this to go back and read my blogs from October to gain some insight into my relationship with my fiance. I thought we tried to make it work since then....but we actually didn't try. We changed nothing, and just fell into the same old patterns.
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Is he losing it?
So after work, FH sends me this text:
"Hang on, call me. I need to make someone feel shitty. You in? Doesn't matter, I'll do it anyway."
Then followed with: "Wait... That's your gig."
What on Earth??? It sounds like drunk talk but it was the same time he gets out of work so I know he wasn't drinking....so is he losing it?
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Instead of "new here - needing insight part 4" - I should say WTF???
So yeah, I don't know how to title it, but maybe instead of "new here - needing insight part 4" - I should say WTF??? because that is how I feel about what is happening recently. In all seriousness though, when can I stop saying part 4, 5, 6, etc? In other words, do people just naturally look to the previous posts to learn about the OP? Seriously, I don't know the Step Talk ettiqeutte, but appreciate this site so much that I would like to follow protocol, even an unwritten sort of protocol. The help from all of you has been amazing.