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** round and round I go on the drama carousel

crystalclear's picture

Let's it been a year since my last blog. My dad died. I had two close friends become strangers. My grandma died. Still stressful with dh. Now I have issues with my heart. Most likely from stress.

Ok so I made a super stressful move let BM move into my house for awhile not that bad acually she was more helpful than dh lol.

Started speaking to a friend of mine. Man was I off about her. I'm sure you have all had one of those crazy friends she took to a whole new level. I vented to her about life with dh and kids. After that she was really just a b*tch. Mind you she my children's god mother. Basically she's envious of my life because I'm married and have kids. That does not mean my life is easy. She tried to commit suicide with me on the phone. I called the police and she pissed at me. So she left her washer and dryer here and has cancelled 3 times for pick up. She messaged me on Facebook and wanted to get them this weekend. I told her I don't want to deal with you. My grandma had just died and I have heart issues. She said I'm making it difficult NO I just can't have stress which she will bring when she comes or send some stranger to my house either way that's stressful.

DH drives me nuts he's the most negative person I know. He must complain about every single thing. My BS14 is trying right along with BD10. Might I add that BS14 is autistic and really does try hard. I've come to the conclusion that he will never be happy. He is two different men and just when I get pissed off he's nice again. Things will change though because I really can't do it anymore unless I want to die.

That's all for now