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from hot to cold - life is crazy!!

leftfield's picture

My exbf called me today after cutting me off cold turkey 2 weeks ago. Why did he call, u ask?

Well, he wanted to remind me that we live in a relatively small town and he doesn't want me to bad mouth his ExW to anyone at work because it will likely get back to her. Her and I work in the same profession, but we work at different places. She used to work where I currently do. I told him I am a grown woman and wouldn't do such a thing. He said he was upset because I already did in a round-about why, thus, the breakup. Here is what happened:

I was at work and a good friend/coworker asked me what my bf got me for my birthday. My gift was a card. She told me very bluntly to drop him, while adding that she knows his ExW. She called his ExW a crazy woman and told me that I'm better off without him since she will always be a part of his life. I explained that I have never met her, but I do have jealousy issues over their nonstop communication. She gave me an earful about his ExW and another nurse chimed in with her opinion of his ExW - and she basically called her crazy as well. When me and the bf were fighting a couple weeks ago, I mentioned some of the things they said.

And ^ is why he broke up with me. He said he didn't appreciate me talking about her... b/c it will get back to her. And he is upset at me for even mentioning her name to these women. I don't know what to think. I never said anything about her - they did. And they are my friends....not random strangers. And nothing HAS gotten back to her. He said it's over for goo between us because she is his friend and the mother of his child....that she is a good person... and he doesn't want any drama....

alwaysanxious's picture

Dear EX-bf (emphasis on EX),

It seems you are confused. We are no longer together. That means we are You actually cannot call me much less tell me what to do. Don't worry about what I do. Go *u*k yourself.


freckledlizzy's picture

Tell him to shove it. I'd be p.o'd first he sticks up for her way too much. You don't need it. He needs to pull his head out of her butt. JMO and get over her. She's supposed to be an ex for a reason. If he's going to battle for her over you and getting offended for her then he still harbors feelings for her and you dont need to try to compete with that crap.

Rags's picture

"Umm, you broke up with me. Why are you calling me? And btw, my friends and I will discuss whatever and whoever we want to in our private conversations. Since you are no longer my BF you nor your XW or spawn are immune to discussion.

If in fact your XW was a good person as you mistakenly believe you would not be calling me right now.

Don't call me, ever. buh, bye!"

leftfield's picture

oh yea,

I also told him what they told me about the shannanigans she pulled while she was married. Basicallly, she cheated on him during the last 14months of their marriage.

I went on to ask why he broke up with me. He said we can discuss it later. I said no, I don't want to talk to him later....he said he isn't ready to tell me. I asked if it was another woman, or anything sepcific that I did. He said no. I then told him the best gift he can give his kids is a stable relationship with a woman who has her shyt together. I told him his past relationships (excluding me) and his choice in women was very poor and maybe he should find someone who has morals or a lil bit of God in their life. lol. He said I can pass my beliefs on into my next relationship. I told him good luck....with his kids having their BM's genes, he is up for a battle. He hung up.


leftfield's picture

I don't think so - but I think my bf wishes they would. They've been divorced for almost 3 years and now she is preggo with the man she cheated on him with. When she announced she was pregnant, my bf's mood became somber for a few days. hmmmm. However, she tells my bf how she wants to leave him, etc. I think my bf has feelings for her. I'm assuming he feels guilty for how he treated her while they were married, and blames himself for her cheating/leaving him. I dunno.

He said he doesn't want me to talk about her because it will get back to her, she will get pissed, and then she won't let him have his son as often as he does. They have 50/50, but my bf probably gets him 80/20.....and that's just how he likes it.

alwaysanxious's picture

"He said he doesn't want me to talk about her because it will get back to her, she will get pissed, and then she won't let him have his son as often as he does. They have 50/50, but my bf probably gets him 80/20.....and that's just how he likes it."

That's the beauty of the whole breaking up thing. Not your problem. He wanted to end it then this is what ending it means. tell him to get the sand out of his vagina and leave you alone.

TheBrightSide's picture

Leftfield, I really hope you didn't get hearing damage from the bullet you dodged that whizzed by you.

Your EX = drama.