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She's Being Responsible

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It just gets funnier and funnier.

So of course SD12 ended up at our house last night because she wasn't feeling well.
(Likely DP went and got her at school since he didn't mention WHEN she ended up at our place)

And magically all the bowls/cups/plates/glasses/utensils that were in her room ended up in the dishwasher (I am CERTAIN DP cleaned up because poor baby wasn't feeling well and needed a clean room to convalesce in because she, of course, cannot clean up before she leaves for BM's which would solve the entire problem). After some thinking about why her messy room bothers me so freaking much I realized it's not HER stuff I get PO'd about, it's the HOUSEHOLD stuff that she has no regard for - maybe someone else needs to use a bowl or a glass that's now dirty and in her room for a week. Maybe the sewing kit needs to be used by someone else (it's now put away where she can't get at it, and I think there's a needle missing and the thread is a mess...DP will be replacing it) or the cotton balls she took from my bath (with my permission, but I didn't know she took the WHOLE BAG - she just needed a couple of them last week) need to be put back. So there is my answer and now I have clarity. Not sure yet what I'll do about it.

Anyway, last night, around 8:00 pm, DP asked me if we had any rubbing alcohol.
Me: "Why?"
DP: "SD12 needs it"
Me: thinking OH S!*t..."Did she get her ears pierced?"
DP: "Yes and she needs to clean her ears."
---apparently BM took her to get ears done for xmas gift...the child who doesn't shower barely ever, never washes her face, doesn't brush her teeth, wears dirty clothes and who cannot keep her room in a semblance of cleanliness with trash everywhere---
Me: "It's in our bathroom...she can use it right now but you MUST get her HER OWN container tomorrow."
DP: "Got it."
DP goes down to give it to her, she's in her bedroom, of course.
He comes up and I tell him she MUST clean them only in the bathroom, period.
DP: "Hey, she's cleaning them in the bathroom, she's being responsible."
Me: my mouth dropping open thinking how responsible is she about her ears if YOU are the one reminding her to clean them, asking about the alcohol, handing it to her rather than HER? I end up just shaking my head and saying, "It's not my deal. Just make sure you get another container of it because that one is for the emergency medical kit."

Bets on how long it takes before the are infected? I give it a week. She'll be with us most of this week through Sunday.


Cover1W's picture

...I forgot to add that this past summer when DP wanted my opinion on letting SD12 get ears pierced, I said virtually the same above about her cleanliness problem.
And I very, very clearly told him that if she does get her ears pierced I WILL NOT EVER have anything to do with them. They get infected, HE and BM deal with it. All of it. I have nothing to do with it whatsoever.

Cover1W's picture

I already moved the sewing kit where she won't find it and have more cotton balls. DP will be replacing the kit with a new one and getting rubbing alcohol for the house. No more using our stuff - if you are out or need more ask your dad. I'm getting good at saying that BTW!

Oh hell no she's not getting her own set. It doesn't work. Tried that already.

DP decided that HE'S going to "assist" her in cleaning her room once a month. She HATES him helping her and touching her stuff. It's a good idea actually; if you don't clean it DAD will get you off your butt and cleaning on HIS terms. I trust he's actually going to do this because he admitted he thinks her room is way over the top too.