Funnies...(slap my hand over my face please...)
SD9, while we are brushing our teeth last night (she tends to follow me and brush teeth when I do which I find hilarious actually): ...random complaint about toothpaste flavor...
Me: Well, if you weren't so picky about what flavor you want, it would be easier to get a toothpaste for you.
SD9: I liked the other one I had.
(It was very expensive and she tends to mess with it and waste it, and it's got no flouride but got her brushing on a regular basis)
Me: Well, it had no flouride in it.
SD9: What is flouride?
Me: pause. Seriously? You don't know?
SD9: No, what is it?
Me: Doesn't your dentist talk with you when you go in to get your teeth cleaned?
SD9: Yeah, but I don't listen to him.
HOLY SHIT of COURSE not...SD11 has said the same thing about her dentist/doctor visits - absolutely no respect for those who may ACTUALLY know MORE than them...
Me: You NEED to listen to your dentist! It's important if you want good teeth!
SD9: Well, (backtracks a little)...anyway, what is flouride?
Me: You know what? Ask your dentist. You need to pay more attention to him. I am going to bed.
This just solidifies my assumption that neither DP nor BM are sitting in at dentist or doctor appointments the SDs have. No one knows what they are being told or paying attention to.
Then this morning....
DP: I need to get SD11 registered for school.
Me: Uh-huh.
DP: I am going to try to do it today.
Me: When, on your way out? (run by the new school on way to girl's old school? they won't have time for this and we won't be home tonight until after 4:00).
DP: I don't know. Maybe I can do it now? (it's 5:45 AM!)
Me: Ok.
DP: Do you think they have a mail drop?
Me: I don't have a clue, never been there.
DP: But most places have a mail drop, right?
Me: My office doesn't.
DP: But most do?
Me: I don't know.
DP: I need to get this done now! (mind you he's known about it for WEEKS now)
Me: When is the deadline?
DP: Today? Maybe the 22nd?
Me: I thought it was the 22nd. Why don't you check the email from the school you got or the website?
DP: But I don't want to wait until the last minute! (!!??)
Me: Whether it's today or Tuesday I don't think it's a make or break at this point.
DP: But...but...would they accept an email with a .pdf?
Me: I don't know. I doubt they'd want to print it out.
DP: Sigh...
Then he got distracted it and dropped it
Really? LOL. This is why I only can do so much.
The funny thing is SD11 is all amped up to do an "Outdoor Survival" class...she's the most girly girl kid and she wants to do that and learn sword fight. She's reading a series of books where the heroine is kick-ass awesome and wants to be like that.
DP will have to pay for those because we all know her record of sticking with things that aren't as easy as she thinks...
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Huh. I remember talks with
Huh. I remember talks with the dentist really clearly...SDs have also very clearly stated their abhorance of anyone telling them what to do or corrections (teachers, dentists, doctors, librarians, bus drivers, etc.) so I'll default to that. I would want to know that my dentist/doctor gives me feedback on my health status and kids shouldn't be left out of that. SD11s teeth are slightly yellow and I know they have been told by dentist that they need to floss...
I do Not get involved but just venting...
I thought the convo with DP was funny. And I was right in the end.
She's 9, there are adults I
She's 9, there are adults I know who do not know what fluoride is.