Candice's Blog
And the Oscar goes to..............SS!!!!
How sad is it that when your ss comes home from a visit you predict that there was a fight and now a break up between bm and her drug dealing bf?
Oh, and ss is telling bm flat out lies to try to get bm to soften up and allow him to move back in with her. Of course, it's been six months since she last broke up with her bf, so it was time for the cycle to repeat.
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Off step parenting topic...but I've had a really bad week and I'm going to vent!
First on Tuesday, bm doesn't show up to a meeting she agreed to so that we can discuss ss's future living arrangements. Next, day a person interested in working for our business cancels at the last minute for his interview, and then the next day, another person has arranged to interview with us.
This person was really impressive, and had really good skills. My dh is a very particular person, and was ready to hire this very young person on the spot. Then we find out he is a nondocumented alien. ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do people not take their children's lives seriously?
For a few weeks now, bm and I have been discussing ss returning to live with us full time. Now that she is back with her bf, and having to commute a ridiculous amount of traveling for her son to live with her, and attend school in our district, she now thinks it's in his bests interest for him to live with us. It's a different story when she is single...if/when she breaks up with bf, she will run right to ss and say "you can move in with me..." underminding all of our hard work.
Calling on punishment pulled the wool over mom's eyes...
Okay, ss lives with us 50%. It was his mother's weekend last weekend, and she had been discussing sending ss to Seattle area (4.5 hours from us) to visit Grandma during sometime of the Christmas break. We said no big deal, we just want to make sure we have him New Year's Eve weekend b/c for our family Christmas present we are going snowboarding and we want to take ss. We were thinking that he would go to Grandma's after Christmas for a couple of days and return for the following weekend.
Any bm's out there that don't have full custody of your child?
My ss lives with us 50/50 right now. He goes to school in our school district, and for the two weeks that he lives with his mother, she and her bf take turns commuting him 45 minutes one way to school. If bm does the commuting, she drives 45 minutes one way to drop ss off at school, then turns completely around and drives 1 hour and 15 minutes in the opposite direction for her to get to work.
How do we convey to BM the importance of ss attending school?
Brief lived with us last year and went to middle school in our district. After ss learned that we follow through with discipline, he quickly decided that he wanted to move back in with bm. Bm made him live here the entire year. In June, ss went to bm's/gma's for entire summer. At the last minute (late August), bm said to dh..."I know I shouldn't let ss make adult based decisions, but...he wants to live with me." So bm pulled him out of our school, enrolled him in her school district.
What can parents buy for spoiled 13 year old that really doesn't appreciate anything??
As most of you know, my ss is so spoiled, that it has ruined my inner desire to buy him too much. But nonetheless, I want him to enjoy Christmas morning, and every year it is getting more and more difficult. He already has guitar hero, an ipod, and a razor cell phone and would be enraged with anger if clothes were purchased for Christmas (although I might do that anyway). He has stated his mother is buying him nintendo wii for Christmas (which we are not interested in buying).
Update on ss's crazy situation
Recently I posted that bm refused to return ss to us, pulled him out of our school district, enrolled him in hers stating "I know I shouldn't let ss make adult based decisions...but he wants to live with me!" One month later, she breaks up with bf, pulls ss out of school, re-enrolls him in our school again, dumps him off at sil's house for 5 days with no clothes, and didn't attend school for a week, and now bm is back with bf.
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Mom can provide razr cell phones to 12 year old, but can't put a roof over his head
For those of you who don't know, my ss who lived with us last year, recently moved back in with his mom, right before school started, and against our wishes. Thank goodness for the court system, bm has all the rights yet has no stability.
Satan's Sister bought the 12 year his 2nd razr in 6 months!!!
I'm not venting b/c I knew this would happen. Ss is 12, highly ill mannered, doesn't appreciate anything, and treats everyone like shit, and walks around like we just have to accept it.
Last March bm bought ss a razr when they were $300, only for him to lose it while grandma washed it in her laundry. Even then, bm stated this was the only one she was buying him, and if he ruined it or lost it, he was out a cell phone. That lasted a whopping 2 months. So tonight, ss called dh to let him know he got another razr.