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Mom can provide razr cell phones to 12 year old, but can't put a roof over his head

Candice's picture

For those of you who don't know, my ss who lived with us last year, recently moved back in with his mom, right before school started, and against our wishes. Thank goodness for the court system, bm has all the rights yet has no stability.

My dh, put in a lot of work into his son last year, to try to make progress in both his health and attitude. My ss was 4'9", weighed almost 130lbs, and talks like he is 21 (he seriously thinks that he is an adult). I cannot verbally describe to you how disrespectful he is. My dh took him every other week to counseling sessions to put some work into this miss guided child. Not to mention, we trimmed a lot of unhealthy fat off this poor child, and was making significant progress in his health. If we had him another year, we would have gotten him into really good shape (without putting him on a diet!).

Well, bm couldn't stand that we were making progress in actually raising her son, at the last minute right before school started, she wanted him back. I feel the way she took him back, by not returning him to us, just really undermined all of our authority and progress. That is when I said I was done...I am done being used by bm. I don't care what train wrecks she creates, ss is going to live them until he can read the handwriting on the wall!

Today, bm gave a warning shot of her next train wreck. She called today asking for our address. Why? B/c she has decided to move out of her bf's house, move in with my dh's sister, and re-enroll my ss at the same school we had him in last year. My dh pleaded with her on the phone before she transferred him out of our school district..."I think he should go here one more year...I would really like him to finish out middle school at the same school..." Nope, none of that sank wanted to live with her (b/c she has absolutely no rules). Her words were..."I know I shouldn't let ss make adult decisions..but he wants to live with me.."

In the last six years, she has moved physically 10 times, was married to one guy, during their separation got pg on a one night stand by another guy, moved in another place with a 3rd guy during the pg, and now is dating/breaking up with another guy. The only thing consistent with her is her inconsistency. I couldn't live with myself if I acted like this...

Her comments to my dh today was "don't think that I'm unstable.." I laugh everytime I think about her comments...uh..there's no thinking about are unstable!

She makes ~$48K/year, trips over herself buying extravagent gifts for her kids, yet she can't provide them a "HOME", and the only meal they know they get from mom is through a drive-thru. She has no care in the world whatsoever how many schools my ss will actually attend. No care. She yells at my ss for having the "tendency" to be fat..yet doesn't pay attention to the number of calories he is consuming...i.e. the junk food.

We totally tried getting her to talk to us with our therapist before he started school again to try to get her to make sound decisions, but she wouldn't show up to the meeting...I can see it right now...she is going to dump her kid off on my front porch until she wants him back sad is that? And she will guilt him into thinking she is the victim in all of she always does.


mamaceta's picture

It's so sad that biomom can't see how much she is hurting her own son in so many ways. At least you can rest easy knowing you did your best to give him the life he deserves. Do you have any legal visitation set up?

My SD's biomom is a complete wreck herself. She has gotten to the point in her life where social services made her find homes for her other children or else they were going to put them in foster care. I know how frustrating it is when you put all this work into your skid and then the biomom goes and undoes it all. What is wrong with these women???

goldenlife's picture

But please "don't think that I'm unstable.."

I laughed at this phrase all day! It just struck me as so funny. So is it some kind of warped reverse power of suggestion? If you've moved 10 times and uprooted your children but I don't think of you as unstable, then you won't be? If you sleep around but I don't think of you as "ho-like", then you won't be? If you file a false report of abuse and I don't think of you as evil, then you won't be? It's so funny to me! Just cuz you think it, doesn't make it so.

Candice's picture

I laughed all day at this comment too!! I just can't believe how stupid she is...I really didn't think anyone could be this dumb! Guess I was wrong...

When I first got to work at our business, my dh said.."I have something funny to tell you." and I replied..."what blew up in her face now?"

I like your reply...I'm laughing really hard right now!!! Thanks, this totally made my day...