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need advice

lovemydog's picture

I've already posted about this, but I can't find the post anywhere. I'll try to make this more succinct.

-I once had a terrible experience with a man who had 2 kids. Loved the kids to death, but not the BM. Dated him for 2 years, close to being engaged. All was well until I started questioning him and BM's new "friendship". This friendship "for the kids sake" had no boundaries as far as calling and texting eachother to check up on the kids. When they began meeting eachother out for family outings, I was out of there and never looked back. Turns out, they began fucking eachother again soonafter I left. Took me a long time to heal, but once I was healed, I began dating men with NO kids. My promise to myself was to never date a man with kids again!!!

FF to now.....2 years later.

-Have had 2 short term relationship - each around 4 months. And a few dates that never progressed to a 2nd date. All with men without kids. The issue? I'm 35 and seeking men my age, give or take a few years. The men w/o kids that I've dated can be grouped into two categories: Extremely full of themselves.....or......socially awkward.

I then met someone 6 weeks ago. And he has a 6 yo daughter. He is very down-to-earth and just my type. I haven't met the daughter yet. We talked about my insecurities, and he seemed very empathetic for what I went thru with my ex. And he assured me that he and BM have clear boundaries that he will never allow her to cross over. He has full custody /bc BM is unstable - moves around alot, several relationships in a year, parties alot.... and she rarely sees their daughter. He said they rarely talk, never text, and she is no threat to his future relationships because he won't allow her to be a threat. Sounds good, right?

When I asked how is daughter feels about rarely seeing BM, he said that she does ask about her and throws tantrums on occasion. His brother is a counselor and said she is likely throwing tantrums to test BD, seeing if he is going to leave her, too.

I don't want to run. I want to stay and see where things go. He seems like such a good guy with a good head on his shoulders. And he wants to have more kids - something I really want and don't have much time to do at my age. but the daughter throwing tantrums thing makes me wonder if I should run. Kids throw tantrums and test their why is this making my stomach knot up. I am not sure if it's a true red flag, or, if I'm just so burned from my last ex.

Purplemom's picture

At this stage of the game I wouldn't even consider the kid a factor. You are still dealing with his representative and you really have no idea if you and be will work based on the two of you. I'd give it more time and see if there is a future to worry about.

Step wifey's picture

My DH as two other kids outside of marriage with different mothers. When I got married to him is was 25 him 37. I love him and I'm committed to the relationship. I was young enough to look for a guy without kids...but I chose him. I don't have much drama until recently (that why I found this website) but I always tell my Croce, sisters, nieces...whoever that they must NOT marry a man with kids. It's too much drama.

Yes your clock is ticking...but you've been here before...there will always be she drama. There is dram with your own kids. I have kids of my own and they throw tantrums. There is no guarantee either way.

But I still say, there is less drama when you partner (or yourself) don't have kids.

Orange County Ca's picture

If you truly want a relationship don't even accept a date from a man with children. Since you're no longer in high school you have to ask right up front if they have children. Make it a pre-requisite of giving out your phone number.
