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Jabba just couldn't take the boundaries (language is pretty bad)

Bubbly1's picture

Well Ripley, you guessed two days, you were the closest!!! The civility lasted ONE FREAKING DAY!!!! Jabba emailed, then texted then emailed AGAIN!!! It went as follows;

Jabba-I think this is considered an "issue"...don't you ever threaten me with cps or law enforcement. I bust my ass for those girls & do everything I can for them. You EVER threaten me like that again & I promise with ever fiber of my being I will cloud up & rain all over you!

At which time I contacted the police. They came and read all the text messages, emails, and her diary where she says she hears voices! So while they are IN MY LIVINGROOM she sends these emails
‪You had your 2 cents put's my turn.‬
‪ ‬
‪I've been thinking about it and I have a couple of guidelines myself...that are NON-NEGOTIABLE.
1.  I'm done with the being called names (fugly fuckarella (really?), bitch, dummy, fat, etc.) it gets nothing accomplished and any further name calling to me will be deemed as harassment and dealt with as such.
2. If the girls EVER say they don't want to go to y'alls house, I will not make them go.  They are having a really hard time with all of this and if they don't want to go over there, then I'm not going to make them go.  And I'm sure it will get played that I'm keeping them from him but that is not the case.  He is welcome to see Sd's at any time but if they don't want to go to your's & FDH's house or be gone from me overnight, I won't make them do it.
3.  SD8 is going through an emotional time right now.  She has been diagnosed (and documentation of that diagnosis can be provided) with early onset bipolar disorder.  There is a history of mental illness in my family as well as FDG (and yes insert your joke here).  That will be taken into consideration....period.  I am by no means excusing bad behavior and I support discipline but it WILL be considered if/when she has a meltdown.  sd8 does not handle overloads of emotions at all.  Think of your panic attacks and being stressed & try to imagine being 8 years old and trying to process the same emotions.‬
‪ ‬
‪4.  At any time for drop off FDH not there, the girls will not go with you.‬
‪ ‬
‪Most important guideline...unless I'm speaking to FDH voice to voice or face to face, I won't consider visitation.  I don't have to deal with you, whether you're a girlfriend, fiance, stepmother WHATEVER....I will only deal with FDH.
THEN when she could not get a reply from me she sends:

Jabba-‪My daughters won't be anywhere near you.  I'll let you explain to FDH why that is.  If he wants to see them then he can contact me.
I've already hired a lawyer.  Contact me again & I will let the police here see it.
So I told her EXACTLY what the officer said to which WAS:

ME-Police just left, after reading AND documenting your emails and texts. If you text me again on this number I will press charges. Period.

Ahh well it was nice while it lasted! Dumb bitch! I hate that fat, ugly, cunt, whore, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rant over.....I've taken two xanax, and I'm washing them down with an Ice Cold beer! (I'm out of wine, damn it)


Bubbly1's picture

Totally. She's very sophomoric, Oops on the name I must have missed it.

madrasta's picture

I refuse to have ANYthing to do with big mama. That is on DH's plate, thank you very much. I answered his phone once before we were married (they were already living here) and it really messed with her. If I actually had to *deal* with her directly, it would NOT go well.

Kes's picture

She sounds scarily similar to our dear old NPD BM. Very good timing the police being there to advise you, and to see it for themselves - how fortunate. Karma lends us a helping hand sometimes.
Like Madrasta, I don't have any dealings with NPD BM at all. If she phones our landline, and it comes up on caller display, I never answer. She doesn't have my mobile phone no or my email address. I don't think I have ever said more than half a dozen words to her in 10 years. It works OK for us - DH deals with her, and now that the girls are both mid teen, he virtually never speaks to her anyway.

Bubbly1's picture

The thing I can't understand is when I sent the first email, she totally agreed! Even said they were a "good idea". So why the VERY NEXT DAY she flip flopped, I'll never understand! Its just another crazy ass chapter in the drama that is BM.

Her reply to original email-

‪I must admit that I've had the same "only 12 more years" mantra running through my thoughts as well.  I agree to the boundaries...they'll be good for all of our sake.  Trust me, I have no problem not contacting you.  As I said, I know that you care about the girls and no I have NEVER bad mouthed you or FDH in front of them.  Regardless of what you think of me, that's not my style.  My nerves have been shot too.
Two things though.  First, I have NEVER EVER and will NEVER tell my girls to go to your house and break stuff...I think that would fall under bad mouthing y'all to them.  I thought that issue was settled a long time ago.  I can't control what my girls do at your house but I would never tell them to destroy yours or anyone else's belongings and put them in that situation.  I'm really tired of that being brought up.
 One more thing...drop offs & pick ups will be handled by my mom from now on.
Anyway, I'm done with all this. Y'all do your thing and I will do mine.

So, wtf happened over night to change this?? The world may never know.
And btw, I've never called her names to her face. Not the ones she mentions in her email. I have told her she's a crazy bitch.....when she's ACTING like one! Idk where she even heard the ff one! 12 more years of this shit? I just don't know if I can do it!

Kes's picture

She sounds totally barking, like NPD BM. Don't try to understand her - just put distance between the two of you and don't allow her to contact you any more. She is just playing mind games. Let your FDH deal with her.

Bubbly1's picture

I am trying to do just that. She was SO pissed yesterday when I would not respond to her I think she blew a gasket! She can't get to me so its making her crazier! If that's even possible. I was ready to pack and leave last night (something I never thought possible) I just Love my fdh more than I hate her.

12 more years. 12 more years. 12 more years. I can do this. 12 more years. 12 more years. Ah, shit who am I kidding! Imma be in the nut house in two! Lmao!