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Day one of boundaries and Therapy!! *fingers crossed*

Bubbly1's picture

So today was intake with my therapist. All went well, I even told him about you guys, and HE LOVED IT!! Thought this support group was "just what the doctor ordered" (pun intended). He told me A LOT of what STalkers have already told me (what am I paying him for?)
So leaving there, I went and had lunch with fdh. Told him what was said about boundaries, and he AGREED! I nearly hit the floor! Headed home to type them up and email to Jabba.

They were as follows;
1) Absolutely NO phone calls, unless, the girls are in the er. Or another comparable emergency.
2) NO texting random non issue messages. We will ONLY communicate regarding the girls. Or the divorce.
3) This is the ONLY email to be used. It was set up for this purpose. All other email and/or texts will be deleted, not opened, not read, just deleted.
4) Phone calls WILL NOT be answered. Ever. Leave a vm and if we feel it is urgent enough we will return the call. If after we call and find the vm to have been a ruse to GET us to call, we will disconnect the call and turn off the phone.
5) I will no longer listen to ANY "I don't want your fdh" bs. HE doesn't want you. He is marrying me as soon as possible. (I do not need to trap him w/unwanted pregnancies)
6) IF the girls break, destroy, dump, or other wise ruin MY or fdh's things, and say You told them to, authorities will be notified, including but not limited to; cps and the police.
7) Pick up/drop offs will be, basically, a business transaction. Not a friendly conversation on the side of the road.
Dirol We never have, nor will we ever talk badly about you in front of the girls. We simply ask the same in return. (Not saying you do! Just asking/stating).

SHE ACTUALLY AGREED!!!! To them all!!!! I'm so freakin shocked at how well today has gone I'm doin my happy dance!! NOW, let's see how long before she starts breaking them?


Bubbly1's picture

We did, and Mazzy, it was a train wreck!!! Screaming and yelling by bm, to "beat your a$$" directed at ME. So we did get to say happy bday to sd. But it ended horribly.

Bubbly1's picture

She is bipolar and borderline split personality. She must be in the down side of her bipolar. She's not acting so manic. She also will go off her meds because she's "better".... yeah right. She must be back on them now.

Bubbly1's picture

Ooooooh, I HATE that!! Someone else taking credit for MY idea, burns my biscuits!

queen-B's picture

One thought; don't delete emails. They can become lovely evidence in court if it's ever (hopefully never!) required. Just file them away, unopened, and pretend they're deleted. That way, if you ever need evidence of Jabba being a whack-a-doo, they'll be right there }:)

Just a thought! Congrats on at least getting a semblance of reason out of her...hope she can keep it up Blum 3

Bubbly1's picture

I hope and pray it lasts. But if not, I've got a file marked Jabba in my email. Just for the crazy ones. I'm hoping when we go to court she will have sent many more so it can all be used against her!! I just wanted HER to think we wouldn't even open them, maybe she'll get really crazy with what she says!! Lol