boogeymom's Blog
I can't stop laughing inside my own mind! OMG, OMG, SS12 just said he wants to go into the Air Force when he gets older (note: I did NOT say when he grows up, because I doubt he ever will)! I have never myself served in any branch of the armed forces because I don't have the guts for it, but I have nothing but respect for members of our armed services, because last time I checked, enlisting in any one of them means having to do actual work. Like, HARD work.
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DH, you're pretty much no different than BM...or Richie Incognito's dad.
So, I know there are WAY more SM's on here than SD's, but I'm hoping other ladies are like me and like the football (American). Anyway, when this whole thing with Richie Incognito and the Miami Dolphins blew up this week, DH was the first one to say that this is what happens when spoiled brat no-account kids grow up to be spoiled brat no-account adults (which I agree with...and sorry, but Incognito has been suspended or kicked-off of every team he's ever played on, so it's not just a Dolphins thing).
Come on, DH, take them home already!
Oh f me, I'm gonna need for DH to take the skids home, like, 30 minutes ago. Here's the deal, DH and BM switched the one night a week we have them from Thursday to Friday when SS14 started high school, but this is the first Friday we've actually had them since this started that it also hasn't been our weekend with them. So what I DIDN'T think about all this time was how late exactly these semen demons are going to actually be at my house on Saturdays. It is now 10:15 am, everyone has been fed breakfast, now they need to go away.
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SS14...what are you up to?
So, I'm not quite sure, but I think SS14 might be trying to get into my good graces somehow or for some reason....? He's pretty much never been there before, so it would be a first, it's not clear to me what exactly he's up to, if anything. Some background: Both skids are pretty much the bane of my existence. I tried to be the SM who participates in their stuff, tried to get out and do fun things, even tried get them to be part of MY family, etc., for about the first 4 years or so I was with DH. Even now, my parents will do stuff with them, take them to lunch for their birthdays, etc.
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Well, it was nice for a month
So, for the last month, we haven't seen the skids pretty much AT ALL. DH and BM changed their one night a week they're with us from Thursday to Friday because SS14 has to be at school so early and we do not live close to that school, so instead of waking up super early in the morning to get him there on Fridays, they're supposed to stay Friday nights instead. This has not happened one single time since this started, except on the EOW we have them. We're supposed to have them every Fri night, even on BM's weekends.
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Is it possible for ADHD to get WORSE over time?
I really don't know, that's why I'm asking. SS12 has always had a major case of ADHD, but it seems like lately, it's gotten exponentially worse. Like, a few years ago, he could actually keep it together in public, but now, he just acts a total goat and doesn't even try. He's always kind of just made random noises here and there, but now the frequency and intensity have both increased to the point where little annoying noises have become out and out screeching/screaming noises, which he thinks is hilarious.
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Beyond Ridiculous
Okay, so some people know that SS12 has arachnophobia. Whatever, lots of people do. I don't love spiders myself, but I recognize the value they have in the system overall. So, every time the skids are over, SS12 makes DH check his room for spiders before he goes to bed. Fine. Whatever. Last night, both skids refused to go to bed at a decent hour, but it was a Friday night, they're both older, so I don't really care much about it when it's a weekend, my parents let us stay up late on weekends too when we were that age.
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Big meeting on the 10th
So, SS12's English teacher e-mailed DH and the BM and told them she, and the rest of the staff, want to have a meeting about him on October 10 at p/t conferences. My guess is that, since he's basically been behind in school ever since, like, week 1.5, they're probably ready to kick him out of gifted/talented. That's what DH thinks, too. This will probably be devastating to BM, according to DH, who apparently hangs her entire parental reputation on having a g/t kid (which has nothing to do with her), but I say it's natural consequences.
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SS14 just doesn't know...
DH is cutting SS14's hair, and so far, SS14 has snapped at him to "just cut his hair already" since DH is also checking the score of the Broncos game, making snide comments like "it looks if only it were short enough," and he actually told him to shut up once. He doesn't seem to realize that the man has a pair of clippers and could just "slip" on accident and REALLY make a dent in his hair. I wish DH would just cut his hair so it made SS14's head look like a giant penis. I kinda just want to give him a little bump...
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Does this annoying conversation ever happen to you?
Here's how it went:
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