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AllySkoo's Blog

Infertility Jealousy

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Long story short, SD21 has a 1 year old son, and SD17 is pregnant (with a girl). SD23 is married, but her DH can't have kids (at least not without assistance). They've started seeing an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist, for those of you lucky enough to have not needed one), but it's a long process.

Now, I have sympathy for people who have trouble getting pregnant. DH and I needed to do IVF to have our twins, so I get it, I do. But SD23 is going to make me crazy!

Update on the baby shower

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Well, there were no fights. So there's that. SD17's boyfriend (and his family) didn't speak to her family at all. (Yes, literally. He and his family didn't speak a single word to DH, or to SD's BM or sisters, and went out of their way to avoid them.) Lol I was more relived about that than hurt though! There was some weirdness where the boyfriend's mom tried to hide BM's gifts to her daughter under some trash, and BM got them back out and gave them directly to SD.

Baby Shower this weekend

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This is going to be a freaking DISASTER.

It's being hosted by Voldemort's Bitch (Baby Daddy's BM), and he definitely got his "psycho bio parent" tendencies from her. I would pay real, honest to god, money to NOT be in the same room with that woman. Or her son, for that matter.

Nice try, DH

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SD17's baby shower is coming up soon. Neither DH nor I particularly want to go. Baby Daddy is an utter asshole, and he clearly gets it from his mother - Voldemort's Bitch (or VB for short). The baby shower is actually being hosted by VB, and it just happens to be right in the middle of our bios' naps. So DH and I had the following conversation:

Mother EFFER (language warning)

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So SD17 is supposed to stay here one night a week. (For those not familiar with the backstory, she's pregnant and living with her boyfriend. Not our choice, but the options were to "allow" it or lose her. The boyfriend, for the record, is a 23 year old unmedicated bipolar with at least one prior conviction for domestic assault, and is at the VERY least controlling and emotionally abusive.)

Yes, because it's all about YOU!

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A little backstory.... My SD20 has a baby who just turned one. (Side note: I am SOOOOOO not old enough to be a grandmother, step or not!) My DH has been working every freaking weekend all summer. And my SD17 got pregnant, BM bribed her into moving "home" by allowing Baby Daddy to move in as well, and then BM kicked them both out so now she's living with Baby Daddy and his grandmother.

I love everything about my husband.Except for this annoying crap.

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I found this blog post:

Number 4 about the dishes - dear god, THAT IS MY LIFE!!! Trying to do the dishes while 3 small children climb over my feet, under my feet, and/or into the dishwasher while my DH "hugs" me from behind may be the LEAST romance-inducing thing the in the history of EVER. Just take the darn kids outside for 5 freaking minutes and you are MUCH more likely to get lucky later!

Thanks, Dick!

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OK, seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?

Massachusetts Bill Could Ban Sex During Divorce

I found it interesting that although Dick "sponsored" the bill, he says he "doesn't support it".

I also wonder what the penalty would be for having sex prior to initiating divorce? The bill doesn't say...

The Dinner

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Previously on My So Called StepLife.... SD17 was pregnant and determined to move in with her boyfriend, who is 23, overly controlling, and has a prior conviction for domestic abuse. The best of the bad options available was to insist that she spend at least one night a week at our house, and both of them spend all day Saturday with us. Last Saturday night was also to be the "family get together", where the boyfriend's family (mother, mom's boyfriend, grandmother, and grandmother's new DH) came to dinner so we could get to know them. And now for our next installment....
