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Seriously? Just give it up.

Aeron's picture

Because it's impossible to behave like civilized, rational adults. That would be too much to expect or ask.

DH and I were lucky enough to spend time with family this weekend and apparently, during some quality time with his brother, DH got told that BM sent a letter to MIL. Was this a gee, I hope your heart surgery went well letter? Nah. It was a "your son is the trash of the planet, he has Abondoned his daughter, she will never be able to go to college because of Him" whine whine bitch moan letter.

To her credit, MIL didn't respond or even feel the need to tell DH about this. Why his brother did, I can't say. It just amazes me that BM and SD are trying pretty much every route other than actually talking to DH! He hasn't heard from SD in monthes, not since she turned down last years Christmas invite I believe. So we have no idea what school she wants to go to, how much she's been awarded in scholarships (which I know she got because we were sent a letter by her high school) and how much help she would need to not have to take loans. No requests to fill out financial aid forms, nothing. Lets just try to get the court to make him pay and since that didn't pan out, lets degrade him to his family.

What's beyond goofy about this is that DH's family knows BM is a loon. There is no relationship with BM at all. And DH not big on listening to his family. We live a very different life than any of his family so he doesn't ask the, for advice or listen when his mother has ever tried to guilt him in the past. And there is no way DH would make a financial decision like that without me, so I don't know why she bothered to waste her time.

In other news, does anyone know of a reason why a parent figure would call potential guests 7 months before a wedding and ask them, over the phone if they were coming? No it's not a destination wedding, no invitations have not gone out, and these people won't be putting anyone up in their home.


Aeron's picture

Must be in the BPD/NPD handbook then. Can't fix stupid or crazy. My biggest issue is that I don't believe sd is actually either of those so how is it that she doesn't get that if she were nice to us, nice to her dad, and I don't know Asked.... That she'd have a much better chance of getting help from us.

Teas83's picture

I'll never understand why people don't try to take a diplomatic route to get what they want before resorting to this kind of nonsense. If your SD wants/needs help from your husband to go to college then she should talk to him about it.

I'd like to hear more details about this wedding thing....what's that all about?

Aeron's picture

My uncle called my dad and asked if he and my mom would want to go to his SD's wedding in... May I think it is.... Pushing for an answer right then on the phone. It's 7 months away. So my dad finally put him off firmly and told him they'd have to look at calendars, etc and hung up. And we couldn't come up with a reason why one would do that other than being a cheapskate and not wanting to spend the money to send an invite to someone that isn't planning on going. It's pretty far for my parents, well for uncles whole family really, they live a good plane trip away so.... It just seemed incredibly strange (and rude) to us. But I wondered if I was just being unimaginative and judgy. ,

twoviewpoints's picture

Could be the wedding guest list has to be limited {example each side only getting x amount of invites). If Uncle knows his brother/wife won't be attending or will be their initial list can be adjusted accordingly.

Aeron's picture

It could be. I guess there's more to it for us. This is the uncle that demanded he stay at my parents house for my wedding. Then a week before informed my dad they were bringing one of aunt's daughters. That she would also e sleeping at the house. Two days later. Oh she's bringing her boyfriend. And don't worry, they'll sleep together at your house. Two days later - you Have to pick us up. The bf wore ripped jeans to my formal wedding then decided she was bored after an hour and a half and tried to make my dad give her the car so she could leave. So particularly when it comes to my parents, I think the whole thing was inappropriate.