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Pretty much as expected

Aeron's picture

So the baby has arrived and is just perfect. DH of course started telling the family, left a message for SD to call him back. And then he gets a text, telling him that if its about the baby, SD could not possibly care less and don't bother trying to contact her about it again.


DH, kinda upset about that. The invitation for the holiday visit was also sent, for a period between Xmas and New Years. It did say that if we don't hear anything by the end of the month we will assume she's not interested. Considering that it invite was very clear that it would be a visit withthe whole family and not just DH, I'm not expecting a reply. Oh well. Just makes my holiday season less stressful.


Delilah's picture

Congrats on your baby. Tell DH not to allow his DD's ignorant, jealous behaviour to spoil this special time. I appreciate it's hurtful but he has another daughter to enjoy now.

As for Christmas, I hope for your sake she doesn't come, because the last thing you need is for your DD's first xmas to be spoilt because sd decides to rock up just to demonstrate how uninterested she is in her sister and be hurtful to you both. Personally I would not allow her to come, especially after that message, holidays are not only about children/skids, its about quality, fun, happy, family time and no one has the right to ruin that! JIMPO.

sandy1234's picture

Purposely hurtful message as her first time recognizing DD was born. He won't ever forget it and she needs to never be able to forget being EXCLUDED from it. Not just making the decision herself to exclude YOU guys. Idk what she said is just over the line to me. So hurtful. Just devil-like.

overworkedmom's picture

Congratulations on your baby!!! Don't focus on the negitive, you have so much to be happy about Smile

nothinforya's picture

I'm so glad you will have settled the SD visit issue with plenty of time to relax and enjoy the new baby!

LuckyGirl's picture

Congratulations on the baby! Concentrate on this incredibly special time and don't let ANYONE spoil it for you.