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Aeron's picture

Oh the magical predictive powers of the stepmother.

For two months now I've been hearing "Don't worry about thanksgiving, SD won't try to come."

Uh huh. Sure she won't.

Background on me being told this - her last family visit in August apparently did not go well. Most of the family - aunts, uncles, cousins were ticked at her by the end of it. I didn't see her but had to deal with the fall out of her being a total &$@# to DH while he was in the hospital.

So DH has now received a call from his sister - SD called her aunt - is she invited to Thanksgiving? So now SIL is upset because a) she doesn't want to be the bad guy and tell anyone no b) she doesn't want to be put in the middle c) she wants DH to just "move on.

DH told her we won't be there if SD is because as much as SD is spouting how she just wants to start fresh, leave it all behind, just go on as if all the bad stuff never happened - what that means is she she doesn't want to be held accountable for any of her responsibility in where the relationships are now, but she damn well wants to withhold the right to rail at DH about how horrible he is. Which I'm not willing to let my kids watch.

So I've been told SD will be informed she's not invited. I'm not sure I believe it's going to pan out as her actually not being invited... I'm almost curious as to what story of tragedy is going to come up and what new level of monsterous DH and I will reach by 'keeping her from her family'.

Aren't the holidays over yet?


Exjuliemccoy's picture

It's stressful, but at least your in-laws are loyal to your DH and you. That's a good thing, and as it should be.

My in-laws are more loyal to narcissist OSD than to DH, and no matter how badly she treats us want us to smile, eat excrement, and keep playing Happy Family.

Acratopotes's picture

WHo's going to tell SD she's not in the gust list? No one has the gutz....

i would simply go and encourage people to shun her ass out if she's there }:)