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AC's picture

DO your BM's CC their lawyers in email communications?

Our BM CC's her lawyer in communications with us every time she wants something...switching weekends etc. She doesn't CC her lawyer when we want something and she acts like a psycho b$tch.

How do you handle it?? Thanks.


Persephone's picture

We do not involve attorneys in email.. but hey, what prevents you from forwarding or CCing her psycho b$tch emails on to her attorney? Maybe he will tell her to knock it off.

Chocoholic's picture

Whenever we communicate with DH's ex via e-mail we CC HER attorney (mainly so that her attorney can see for herself what a crazy bitch she is representing). If need be we also send a copy to our attorney and we ALWAYS keep a copy for our files.
If there is a verbal conversation we write a brief summary going over the content of the conversation and send copies out for documentation purposes and to prevent bb from later lying about what was said.

When we e-mail my ex we keep a copy for our files, BCC our attorney and CC a friend for further documentation.

When it comes to these people you really have to C.Y.O.A. (Cover Your Own Ass).... if you aren't, I seriously suggest that you start.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"

Anonymous's picture

Everything is cc on ours and her attorney... standard procedure, but we don't email often either... only when necessary.

AC's picture

She acted totally psycho this weekend so we sent her an email and CC-ed her attorney.

Her response was that we don't pay for her attorney's time thus we cannot CC her on emails INITIATED by us.

Persephone's picture

Psycho said this? Too bad so sad. If the attorney said this... time to remind of free speech. I would forward the attorney the psycho emails and ask him to control his client.. it won't bode well if it needs to go to court.