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OT - Eff Off Friday/Forn Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

TGIF, STalkers! Our forecast is calling for mid 80s. DH has PT after work so I plan to take a long dip in Gitche Gumee after I clock out of work. Hopefully, the rain will hold off, but it'd have to be pretty bad to keep this Finn from the water!

Eff off to:


OT - Eff Off Friday/Forn Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Friday, STalkers. Better late than never? Eff off to:

  • Funerals and people who expect me to cry. I'm a Finn. I'm stoic. I'll cry in private, thank you. No. I'm not going to pass out. Holding back emotion can be tiring. Stop hounding me.

That's all the effs I have to give today. I'm spent. 


Forn Friday 

Forn is 'food' and 'p0rn' combined.


OT - Eff Off Friday/Forn Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Friday, STalkers! Hope you're having a better day than I am.

Eff off to:

  • King Pita asking the same question to the team via Chat AND Email, then complaining about dual responses, no responses, and his inability to see all responses. Newsflash, KP. Send an email to the team with a Voting selection. This ain't rocket science.  *dash1*
  • Idiots who reply to All when told not to and the bigger idiots who reply to All with "Stop Replying To All".
  • Wrong numbers calling at 3am. 


Forn Friday

