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Well guess who called DH tonight?

momto3's picture

DH couldn't even understand the voicemail message she left, so he had me listen to it. Imagine my surprise when I heard DD18's voice. You know, the one that up & moved out last November without so much as a goodbye. No phone call & no contact since then. Yeah, that one.

She asked him what his plans were for the week. Umm wtf?? He told her he was working & asked her why. She said they needed to talk & he asked about what. Her response? Everything.

So I'm guessing in the past seven months they haven't needed to talk?? I'm not stupid, she's leaving for college soon, so she wants the crappy car she used to drive that's in DH's name and the money she left behind.

I guess she forgot she filed her taxes before us & claimed herself single, not as a dependent even though she was for 11.5 mths of the year & we lost over $700 on our tax return. I hope he reminds her of that...and of all the other shitty things she's done. Graduation was just a week ago & DH went & she didn't feel the need to talk to him then...she didn't even feel the need to invite him, but he still showed up. She didn't feel the need to speak to him two months ago when his father's health was declining & the family gathered thinking he may not make it. She didn't even acknowledge DH.

This is just further proof how selfish she really is!