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DH stood his ground with SD

momto3's picture

SD18 contacted DH after 7.5 mths of no communication, except a few awkward words at her graduation a few weeks ago. She told him she wanted him and her to talk about "everything", which as we both guessed ended up being about getting her car and money she left behind when she suddenly moved out.

So she came by the house, bragging about her full schloarship to college (which is a lie b/c her financial aid package came to our house). She didn't apologize for the way she's treated everyone, instead defending her reasons for doing it, claiming she felt she was treated unfairly in our home. She couldn't give any specific examples of course. DH told her she and her mother are just alike, both have huge chips on their shoulders and think the world owes them something. He told her she could have the junker car (he didn't say that, but that's what I call it lol) of hers if she titles it in her name, gets tags for it & gets insurance for it. Her response? "Well that's not even worth it."

She also seemed pretty jealous that SD15 doesn't work & she did at 15...well she worked with DH & DD18 watched the younger kids back then. We don't have that option anymore, so SD15 watches them in the summer. She even told DH if she knew how things would've been this way, she would've never come to live with us. DH told her she just did it to play him & BM against each other.

DH told her he would always be her father, but until she gets rid of the attitude nothing will ever change. She left and I'll be surprised if we hear from her again.

But really...did she expect us to pay all the expenses on the car & just let her jet off to college as if nothing's happened?? Crazy!

I'm so glad DH didn't give in to her!

SugarSpice's picture

you are lucky. i also have a crush now. DH in my case has no limits to listening to lies and being made to be a sucker to open his wallet.