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Crazy BM is at it again!

momto3's picture

BM posted two pics of hubby online back when they were is even a family portrait :jawdrop: That chick has lost her damn mind!

I know she did it to get at me, but I won't give her the satisfaction }:) Stupid troll! Pretty sure her current hubby has no idea she's doing that.

Stepstress610's picture

How about a retaliation of you and yours happy and smiling with a wonderful gushing comment about how great life is now both of you have found the love of their lives? I do wonder why they do this? It is over, keep the photo -- why FB it?? What are they trying to prove??

Willow2010's picture

BM does this too! She actually pulls pictures from DH's page...(of DH)...and post them on her page. Usually of a comparison to SS. :sick:

realitycheckmom's picture

I can see doing this if I had a son but to be honest I have a daughter that is identical to me at her age so we do comparisons to myself and my mother. But when a BM that doesn't respect boundaries does it it does apear to be a little psycho. Smile

momto3's picture

Oh I wish I could anonymously email a screen shot to her current hubby (#4 btw) and tell him to keep a leash on her }:)

I'd also like to add that she needs to stop posting old pics of herself too...not sure who she thinks she's fooling. She was just as ugly 20 years ago as she is today!!

Craving Normality's picture

I have BM's blocked. I have no interest in seeing their FB page. SO doesn't have FB. She can have whatever she wants on her page and it doesn't affect me at all.

Craving Normality's picture

She does have a profile on RSVP and I looked that up once or twice for a laugh.

momto3's picture

Oh this wasn't on fb..she is most definitely blocked there after she bombarded me with friend requests years ago. I have no desire to be her friend...I think she finally got the picture Wink And no doubt she would never post these pics on fb, b/c her husband could see them there. I guess she also doesn't realize DH hates social media and computers, so he would never see these either. She's a smart one all right!

Stepstress610's picture

Yes - got that too at a Hen -- my DH's niece. The ExW goes to all (thanks to my DH not stopping it and his sisters saying 'she's part of the family') , so when people were asked for pics, everyone sent pics of the bride as a little girl... the ExW sends one of her and my DH all those years ago (90's) with all the family -- the bride was a blurr in it but she was centre with the family, holding hands and smiling......she knew I was going to be there -- All these pics were blown up and put around the room.......I just ask myself what she's trying to prove? And what was my DH's family doing putting up on the wall... clearly they are more interested in not offending her (been his ex for 15 years but still included in all family events .... I;ve been on the scene 3 years/married last year) than me..... dreading the wedding in July.......

lesangel's picture

I posted a pic of me and skid on facebook and bm is going bat shit crazy. Shes a useless absent mom who only takesnher son 1 or 2 nights a week. Her and her friends are all over mine and SO's facebook obsessing about me. I think its halirous. Shes mad that baby daddy is with me, I mean afterall I don't have to trap him with a kid to make him love me or talk to me on a daily basis.