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FT SM to SD15 and SS13

Racht's picture

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Racht's picture

I've been a FT SM for the last 3 years. Before October, we only had SS13 with us FT. But then BM died and we ended up with SD15 FT, too.

The last few months have been hell for everyone in this house because of SD15. She's quite honestly the worst person I have ever met. The hardest thing to deal with is the fact she's turned on her brother. SS13 is FTM transgender who is openly gay. BM hated the fact and when DH and I got married, we went for custody and won. BM never fought for him at all. So when he started living with us, we got him into therapy and I brought him along to some groups for support. SD15, while she wasn't happy about everything, supported her brother and when she was here, they would spend time together. After struggling with himself for so many years (including self harming) he was finally happy. There were issues, of course, with the fact he missed BM and always hoped she would come around.

And then she died. And we ended up with SD15. Then she turned into a bitch. She calls her brother by his female name. Calls him disgusting, a freak, makes fun of him. She bullies him daily. And when he has friends over, she attacks them for using his boy name. She's attacked her own grandmother for calling SS by his name. It's gotten to the point where people avoid coming over. SD tried to destroy all of SSs clothes. DH punishes her for behaving the way she does. He brought her to counseling where she sat down and refused to speak. She'll scream at him for "defending the disgusting freak" and "condoning his behavior". The way she talks, it's exactly like what BM used to say. She was a very conservative, religious woman.

SD follows SS around when he's here, telling him he needs to change. I take him out most of the time, or we let him go to friends houses so he isn't here. But it's not an ideal situation.

SD has turned on me many times. But last week she threw a huge tantrum where I was sure she was going to hit me or pass out. I was in the kitchen, making dinner and she stormed in after her brother refused to talk to her. She said it was my fault her brother is the way he is. She said BM was fixing him before I showed up and told him it was okay to be who he is. SS walked into the kitchen and then she started screaming at him. She called him so many horrible, disgusting names, I texted my MIL to collect him. He left with her and then I abandoned dinner and went upstairs, locking myself in my room. DH came home an hour later. He's had to cut back on his hours since we got SD because of her problems. DH cleared out her room and left her with a mattress and lamp. Nothing else. Then he sent her to her room.

I have never wanted to hit anyone before that day. But the way she talked to SS. The things she called him. They made my blood boil.

Now SS is depressed and he's going back to talk to his counselor this week. I hate knowing he's gotten worse because of her. But I'm going to be here for him and I'll do everything I can to help him get through this.

MissDirected's picture

I agree 100%! She's grieving and unfortunately she'd still at the anger stage. She needs help to get past this. I know it's also hard for kids to become openminded about issues that they've been taught by their parents or grandparents are wrong. My SD14 was all pissy the other day because of the new supreme court rling because her grandmother (who has basically been her mother figure) believes homosexuality is against God and has strictly taught, enforced and reitterated this belief her entire life. It's very frusttrating! I'm sure your SD is trying her best to keep up with what she believes her BM would have wanted. Therapy is a MUST for this girl. Good luck!

simifan's picture

This kid needs help. She's angry at the world and taking it out on SS. I would guess she's angry he still has his primary parent. I would not constantly be sending SS out of the home. It sends the wrong message.

I agree with tog. Check your local family services.