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Blog Hog...Cyber bullying.

MissElphaba's picture

Separate issue ... trying to post in the comments below.


MissElphaba's picture

Apparently mini seahag is being bullied by her circle of friends at school. Frankly, this doesn’t surprise me. It has nothing to do with her being a mean/nasty girl, it has everything to do with her inability to act appropriately and not try to “people please.” She tries incredibly hard to please her parents because she lives and sometimes fuels their constant hate of each other. She can’t commit to an activity outside of school because her mom won’t support her doing something her dad will like…and she’s too afraid to pick something she thinks her dad won’t want to watch her do. It’s ridiculous, but there it is.

These girls are also all given iphones with full phone plans and all that – at age 10, and during a sleepover she wasn’t invited to…they started some dumb pranks that hurt her feelings and seemed to escalate into them saying some really nasty things to/about MSH. SO thinks that I need to talk to her about it while she’s here and make her feel better and all that nonsense. First of all – where is her mother in all this? She hasn’t called their parents to discuss the behavior of their kids bullying the mini seahag, because I doubt they know. Second of all – what am I supposed to tell her? I wasn’t allowed to have a cell phone until I was 16, and even then it was a prepaid Tracfone that my mom strictly monitored. We had bullying and the like at a face-to-face level. I have no experience because my parents weren't lazy and no advice to give other than: girls are bitchy and you have to let it go because it’s a waste of time. I am not going to snuggle her tears away. She’s not my kid, and I cannot make her want to talk to SO about it. She doesn’t want to tell him the details because she knows he will immediately take the phone and call their parents, so it’s all bits and pieces that he’s working from.

This is something her mother needs to do, not me. I have spent too much time and energy trying to get this girl to open up to her father because he isn’t the tyrant her mother makes him out to be. I’m done with that – if he wants a better relationship with her, then he will have to facilitate it.

misSTEP's picture

I don't understand why he thinks you should do this. Either he needs to inform her mother or he needs to make SD feel comfortable enough to open up to him.

Not your monkey and all that.