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About to lose my mommy mind!

Midwest Stepmom's picture

Some days I hate all the tech issues this forum has. See below.


Midwest Stepmom's picture

Right now my 4 week old is having a "cry it out" session and I feel horrible.

But I've feed him, changed his diaper, rocked, burped, rubbed his back, gave him gas drops, gave him a warm bath, gave him his plugger, and put him in his vibrating swing. Nothing is working! So I had to put him down and let him cry. He doesn't have a temp either, I checked that.

Ugh, what else is there?

moeilijk's picture

With my baby, she sometimes got over-stimulated. The swaddling (or putting her in a carry-wrap so she was still close to me) worked when nothing else seemed to.

The other thing a friend suggested, that I had to do once before I completely melted down, was I put the baby safely in her crib. I closed the door to her room. I went to the bathroom, and took a shower. A shower so I couldn't hear the cries. And so I could get a few minutes of a break. I cried it out myself under that shower. But 10 minutes later, I was clean, a bit refreshed, and I went back in there with patience and love.

Overall what worked for us was to instill a routine already at 4 weeks. My girl didn't rest much during the day, so she really needed us to put her in her crib for an hour several times a day. Unless her crying was of pain, we left her there. Mostly she seemed to cry/babble and often she just looked around. She needed the time to process all the new information and sensations she was getting.

You'll get through this!!

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I ended up having a crying session right along with him. Dh got up and did skin to skin time with him, did the trick for a few hours.

SM with BM from hell's picture

Sorry you're going thought this. I would definitely try the white noise. I've been using this machine since my twins were little and it does wonders
Also the swaddling might help too. One of my boys still doesn't like large spaces. It took forever for him to sleep alone in his crib, even now he'll curl up in one corner.