Please Help! Bio mom and subsequently my step-daughter have Borderline Personality Disorder
My high school sweetheart and I finally re-united after several attempts. We both knew that we were going to be together after a five minute phone call that consisted of are you free...yes, you...yes. We maintained long distance relationship between Texas and Alaska for 6 months before we involved our children. I had one boy and one girl and he had one boy and one girl. Both of us had sole custody of our children. When I finally met his kids I was more shocked than I could have ever imagined. His son was 10 and didn't speak, made no eye contact and when I put my hand on his shoulder his entire body turned red and he recoiled like a snake from my touch. 6 years later me and my two kids adore him and will defend to the end. Serious work and 2 years of counseling have him living a mostly normal life, he has OCD and several symptoms of Asberger's.
Husband's daughter had just turned 4, I felt her tantrums were related to the situation of her and my father planing to get married. I seriously considered not marrying him because of her being an absolute brat but told him we had to wait a year and he had to address her behavior issues. I brought my son to Alaska to meet them and the first night he simple tried to engage husbands boy in a conversation and the girl jumped up to the back of the couch, flew off the back of the couch onto boys head and scratched his face and bit his head and ear. until he fled to his room never to return. Fast forward 6 years. I am the hated parent of a 10 year old girl who has repeatedly stolen personal items from family members, classmates and bunk mates at camp. She doesn't steal to have something she admittedly steals things that are important to someone and ditches them. Items include (kindergarden) classmate's ring from her grandmother in Japan stolen and stuffed between cushion and booth wall at resturaunt, caught her dropping my daughter's friendship bracelets from summer camp in the river, my foster child's $1000 watch he received as highschool graduation gift, no idea where she ditched that one. We also have discipline action from school. 1st grade she was suspended for shoving a girl into and then under the bathroom sink at school because she had beat her to the stall, also that year she threw a ball bearing at her "best friend's" mouth breaking both of her permanent front teeth. 2nd grade she was disciplined for stealing, lying, disrupting class and bullying two girls. Summer camp she stole a girls ipod and got caught...blamed it on the fact that her bio mom hasn't called her in a year. 3rd grade, discipline for bullying and caught stealing...again and a new twist she started violating dress code even cutting the crotch out of a pair of jeans! At home she tries to sexualize the relationship with her father. Rubbing her privates against him, grabbing his face in both hands and trying to kiss him in a very seductive way. He picks her up and sets her away from him and pecks her on the head when she does that but it has made no difference. She is a pathological liar, and kleptomaniac and has absolutely zero capacity to recognize that anyone other than her has feelings. We have had her in very intensive counseling for 2 years and even her counselor said she is only trying to manipulate her counselors and that no progress is actually being made. She has not had a single friend in 3 years nor has she been able to spend more that 5 minutes not seeking absolute attention.
Is she getting professional
Is she getting professional help? What she's doing with her dad isn't normal. Do you/dh know if she was sexually abused by someone?
Yes, we have had her in the
Yes, we have had her in the most intensive non-residential situation we can. I have begged my husband to consider a residential treatment but he, being her bio father, can't take that step. Part of his self protection is to minimize the extent of her problems and I imagine I would do the same if it was my own flesh and blood.
Try your GP, seek more
Try your GP, seek more professional help for this girl, specialized therapist etc
This. I think your best hope
This. I think your best hope at this point, as sad as it sounds, is for her to be put in the system before she seriously, seriously hurts someone because it sounds like true bodily harm is not beyond her. Hearing this gives me the goosebumps as I'm watching my BD sleep in her cradle--I'd probably kill if someone like that even came near her.
My ethics teacher, who is a renown psychologist who worked mostly with kids have said this: People with BPD are unfixable, in his opinion. They are fundamentally broken individuals. He's had several over the years and not one of them has made any progress. Going to counseling with him is either a game, a means to an end (if they're in court over custody) but they have no desire nor capacity to change, or their parents are desperate to try something.
You can look into the sexual abuse history... but I have my doubts she was--BPD women often learn, without having been sexually abused, how sex can afford them what they desire. It is also a means to an end. She may even lie about it.
Our BM has BPD, although her psychologist had diagnosed her with disassociative personality disorder (but another therapist said that they labelled people with that in the old days when they didn't yet have other diagnosis like BPD.) She claims she was raped at the age of six, which caused cervical scarring and rendered her infertile (one of the many lies she told DH as to why he doesn't need protection). We found out later that it wasn't true, she had cervical scarring due to her mother taking a medication known to cause it in utero--she was never, as far as anyone knows, sexually abused or raped, but she's not above using that idea to get what she wants.
So I'd be careful with believing the sexual abuse stuff.
I agree. At this point, my
I agree. At this point, my husband can't bring himself to acknowledge she is truly dangerous enough for the residential treatment. We went as far as checking into one but he said that is not where she belongs. I absolutely see her in Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias and that new bride sending text messages during her husbands funeral, after she pushed him off a cliff. On top of the fear factor it is hell on a marriage! I try to protect everyone including her but feel the only help I will get now is once she gets into enough trouble for either the school district or law enforcement to get involved.
Please consider at least
Please consider at least investigating if she was sexually abused before you came into the picture. Please.
The sexual abuse was her
The sexual abuse was her mother taking her to 5 different Rape crisis centers before the age of 3 and coaching her to accuse her father of rape so he wouldn't get custody. There was no evidence and every single report from the centers said everything was intact and that the mother was hysterical. Mom is only allowed supervised visitation which she hasn't exercised in over 2 years. Mom is a complete narcissist/borderline incapable of love who completely neglected both children. Only need she had for them was to get child support.
I am NOT in any way a trained
I am NOT in any way a trained professional, but it sounds like antisocial personality disorder more than narcissistic or borderline. However even then, mental disorders usually come in a bundle of other things too...
If this sexual thing is from the mother, then merely exposing her daughter to highly sexualize behaviors and suggestions IS abuse in most courts. You should look into that at any rate.