Need Advice on Self-Entitled & Stealing Step-Daughter
I feel helpless and just have no clue to turn this around and am looking for any solution that might have worked for anyone else. First some background: I myself am a child of divorce and have gone through every cliché stepchild scenario that exists. Felt like my mom loved her various boyfriends, husbands , and later my half sisters more than I. Beaten by my mother until I was 16. Molested by one of my step-dad's and one of her boyfriend's and when I told my mom she figured it was my fault somehow. I say this because having gone through these issues I never ever wanted anyone else to feel the same way, and certainly not by hand. I think it's because of this conscious effort to truly love all children as my own that children typically love me.
To drive the point home, my step-daughter is not my first step-child. My first husband had a son from his first marriage and although his dad and I have now been divorced for around 10 years, to this day he has a better relationship with me than he does with his own mother or dad. He also has a great relationship with his half brother, despite my ex-husbands efforts to the contrary.
Now, enter my current husband, his daughter and my son from my first marriage. I met my step-daughter 5 years ago when she was 7 years old (12 now). Her parents had been divorced for some time before I ever met them. My son is 1 year older and was 8 at the time (13 now) we met but living with my mother because I was moving back to the States and was trying to get things settled before I brought him over. From the start she has said that she hated me and from the start I couldn't believe that someone could reach the age of 7 and behave in such a selfish 4 year old manner. The problem was that she had never had any discipline. Her own family members didn't like being around her. At age 7 she was jumping up and down on the couch and no one would reprimand her. Her mother would encourage temper tantrums every time she would drop her off at our house in the beginning. She didn't learn how to chew with her mouth closed until I came along. Of course with I being the only disciplinarian she hated me and hated my son. Because up until I came along the world revolved around her and she would get whatever she wanted .. but neither family is wealthy. Needless to say she had no school friends because outside of people who have to put with her, i.e. her family, no one else would.
I will say that in the last 5 years, considering where we started from, she has come a long way and taken great strides in learning better social behavior, but she still has miles and miles left to go.. the problem is I don't know how to get her there. If there is one thing that has not changed over the last 5 years it's this sense of entitlement and that everyone should do stuff for her. After having spent some time with her mother I understand where it comes from. Part of the problem is that she never has to face the consequences of her actions. If she gets in trouble at our house she runs to her mom. If she gets in a fight with her mom she thinks she can run to us. If I try to have a regular family activity such as cooking together she is not there for it most of the time. House chores are left to my son. I try to do something just with the kids like take them hiking, and she complains every step of the way. She constantly wants to dress provocatively at school .. so much so that she has been sent home twice in two weeks over it. She alienates her teachers on the first day of school due to her attitude and recently was caught copying of another students paper twice in two weeks. She got "only one F" on her most recent report card, which is one more than I ever or my has son ever received. When I try to help her with school she doesn't want help, she wants someone to do the work for her. And three times now an ex-girl friend of hers has threaten to beat her up. One even went so far as to bring a knife to school. And she goes to a great school and we live in a great neighborhood where this sort of stuff is far from common place. Again, this is three times more than I have or even my son (who goes to the same school) has ever been threatened.
She won't bring friends to the house because she is ashamed of us which makes no sense considering the I am the main house for all of my son's friends. These same kids have confessed to my son that they wish I was their mom and only tend to avoid coming in if they know my step-daughter is there. She keeps trying to hit on his friends (as in romanticly).
But the cherry on the icing is her stealing. She was caught shop-lifting with a girlfriend while she was staying with her mom and being supervised by a cousin. She has been grounded at our house for what seems like years because just as her grounding should come to an end, she does something else that slams her right back. We even would make exceptions during these groundings for example and as a birthday present fly in a very good girlfriend of hers who had moved to another state. Now understand this was because she was begging and pleading for her girlfriend to come and stay with us, but once she was here she ditched her to go off with some other friends --- which of course she was not allowed to and extended her grounding. Most recently, she was grounded and her cell phone privileges were limited to immediate family members only, so she stole my son's cell phone and kept it for several weeks and tried to deny it. It's tough to explain away 1,500 text messages in two weeks all of whom were from her friends .. made to a phone number that was not hers as "whoops I accidently picked up the wrong cell phone". This is not the first time she has stolen his phone and other things from him. She stole his cologne for example despite the fact that she has perfumes galore. She has stolen video games of his and tried to deny it. She stole his iPod and tried to deny it despite finding it in her backpack. I am not sure if she has taken anything from her friends, but I do constantly see her with clothes and such that don't belong to her and she says that her friends let her borrow them.
I am at my wits end and am at the point where I don't even want her in the house anymore because I can't trust her. She gets so much from so many different people because her family is quite large. My son who hardly ever sees his biological dad only has myself, so taking things from him is especially hurtful to me. It's ok for her to get a $200 iPod touch from her mother's boyfriend's mom, but I am the wicked step-mother in her eyes if I buy a $20 game for my son without purchasing something for her, too. My son has responsibilities and accountabilities. His grades have to be A's & B's. His room has to be clean. When we go grocery shopping he needs to help carry everything in without being told to do so. He has additional schoolwork which I assign that he has complete once he arrives home etc. But if I try to hold my step-daughter to even half of those same standards I am once again the evil in her eyes.
I have tried punishment. I have tried talking. I have tried constructive action plans on how to problem solve. Clearly defined steps to be taken for redemption. Alone one on one time. Alone one on one fun time. Nothing has worked. What is there left to do?
Dump her arse. Leave her
Dump her arse. Leave her raising to her mother and father. You are neither.
Give your son a lockbox (Black and Decker have a nice range of tool chects that are on wheels and have a padlock) Encourage him to lock his possessions up all the time. This is also good prectice for college when others are not so honest. It sucks but it is better than losing your stuff to Miss Perfect.
If your DH is on board, stop giving exceptions to groundings. And they have to be tough groundings. Limiting cell phone calls? How about no cellphone, no internet for 4 weeks. She needs to be hit hard and fast with consequences of her actions. Right now she gets friends flown in even though she is grounded. How is that reinforcing her punsihment? If she ends up in prison will they give her time outside the gates to attend her prom?
But backing off parenting her and not being responsible for her is the first step. Make it cleasr to her fahter he will need to make other arrangments for her after school as you are too busy to take care of her. If you get a call form the school, direct all calls back to her father. Take your name off her emergency contact list at school. Her father and mother can deal with it all first hand instead of you being the message taker and deliverer.
Give up on the fmaily activites. Just take your son or involve your son. If your DH has a problem with it, remind him you are not SDs mother and it is not your job to teach her to cook and clean.
Actually, wher eis your DH in all of this?
Thanks for the new
Thanks for the new perspective. I thought my wanting to give up and remove myself from the situation would be letting her down but it might be the only thing to do .. who knows. My DH has a firey personality. He blows up at a situation hard and fast .. but once it's over is quick to forgett. While it is his daughter, the raising has become my responsibilty because he has no patience .. and let's face it, what got my SD here to begin with were the stellar parenting skills of her parents. My son is far from perfect, but unlike my SD the expectations placed on him in his early years were much higher, as a result he has an easier time getting along with people now and problem solving in general. I guess part of the reason why I keep trying is pride. I have always taken such great pride in being great with kids. Knowing what to do, how to raise them, how to talk to them etc. Maybe my pride is getting in the way of what I need to do.
Also put a lock on your son's
Also put a lock on your son's bedroom door as well as give him a key so he can lock it when his room is unattended, and the lockbox for his special items as well. My daughter has a lock with a key for her room because the skids won't stay out of her room. Then we found that while she was showering, SD16 would go in and take things just because she was jealous of my daughter. SD16 is very overweight, my daughter is not, but SD16 stole one of her cute dresses -- I think just for spite, and probably just threw it away. My daughter had paid for it with her own money that she had worked very hard for. Again, SD16 is just jealous.
Tell your son not to leave his room unattended at all, nor his special items unattended because SD has sticky fingers. I also agree, don't plan family outings with SD -- just have date times with your son. That's what I do with my daughter. I've tried to do things with SD, but all she does is whine and complain, then to top it off she doesn't say thankyou and she's just a brat. So why would I want to torture myself further?
And if SD is not paying for the phone, cut her off of it. If she can't pay for it, shut it off. I would also take away the other items, and if she gets pissed and says she wants to live with mom -- yeah! Go live with mom! Buh bye!! Your DH needs to step up to the plate and parent this nighmarish child! UGGG! I feel for you! Big hugs!
Agree with oneoffour.
Agree with oneoffour. Disengage. It has kept me from going crazy. Many others too.
The lock is a really good
The lock is a really good idea which I will do this weekend. We did password protect his phone after the most recent recovery so she can't use it even if she does steal it. Since her mom does not have a landline in her house (long story one of the those petty moves) my DH had gotten her the cell phone so he could reach his daughter even when mom was somewhere else. These days, thanks to AT&T smart limits plan, we have the phone locked down to being able to only receive and make calls to the phone numbers we entered.
Have taken away her laptop, her TV, her radio her DS etc, but DH winds up giving it back a day or two later because "I am too harsh" but the reality is that he wants her out of his hair and in her room. Her mom is the same way. When my son does something wrong, the privilege is taken away for the allotted amount of time .. period.
I guess I just need to swallow my pride and disengage.
Reading your post sounded
Reading your post sounded like my biography, except we have three children that are 4, 3, and 5 mos. old, and are younger than the 12 y/o SD. I have disengaged and it only allowed her steal more! If I wasn't around and things came up missing then my husband shamed me for blaming her. She has stolen cell phones from my family and her classmates with no consequences from my husband. I finally stopped being around her because she said I picked on her, and that she was afraid of being around me but the truth is not one time have I asked about something missing and she NOT been the one that stole or "displaced" it OR it has never resurfaced. Ironic, I don't think so. I have been in her life since she was two years old, and that is a total of almost eleven years, and much like your husband, her dad parented with little to no thought of how minor things would eventually impact her monumentally in the future. The future is here and now who do we blame for the bad behavior? The stepmom! In fact, my husband has gone as far to say that our three and four year old sons are lying when questioned and admit her guilt to stealing. As I relentlessly attempted to give her the structure and discipline she deserved to become a successful, well-rounded adult it further broke down my marriage. He felt the need to continue to be her friend and not her parent or a support system and husband for me. Due to the marital strife he sought validation outside of our marriage and had an affair with someone that we worked with. The turmoil has gotten so bad that our three children and I have left him. I am deeply saddened and defeated. I had always strived to give her the most normal childhood possible because I too came from a very broken and dynamic family structure. Once my parents divorced the chaos ensued and still remains today. I did not want that for her, and I continue to be in contact with her biological mom, for her sake.
Although, I would like to offer you advice and encouraging words for your relationship with her and the future of your marriage, I am without them. If I were to give you any words of advice it would be to make sure your husband is your companion, has "youf back", and does not allow her to manipulate her dad and any given situation. It is true, you can lock your belongings up, but who wants to live like that. I told my husband that I had installed nannycams to prove his daughter's guilt, and that infuriated him beyond belief. Which tells me one of two things, that he knows deep down that she is guilty and/or two, it is too extreme to allow. I would have to admit that I agree with both. What messages would we be sending to our younger three children. You have to be proven guilty to get punishment? It is okay to have immoral behavior as long as you don't get caught? They will better off in an environment without all that drama. In fact, when we have discussed moving towards restoring my marriage he says he has to ask his daughter for her approval. Seriously!!!
Let me know how your situation pans out, and I am praying that your situation turns out better than mine.
Your problem is quite clear.
Your problem is quite clear. Yes SD is certainly badly behaved and wrong in her choices, however her father enables her and actually makes your life, along with your DS, extremely hard.
Right now, the fact you arent making great in roads with regards to improvements in sd's behaviour and are getting exasperated is because DH keeps capitulating! HE is your problem.
If DH totally backed you up and was on the receiving end of these issues, its likely he would be more motivated to be stricter with her. However, he has handed the batton of parenting to you - yet he constantly undermines you. Its little wonder nothing works with sd, because she knows daddy will spring her from her punishment. I must admit, you are quite calm over the fact your DH is quite happy to let you parent her, be on the receiving end of her shit but then declares reasonable punishment as "harsh"! Unbelievable!
Let me tell you something sad. You arent going to succeed with sd, because your husband is standing in the way of ensuring his child is a well rounded individual. So stop.
Your DH is happy to undermine you, disrespect you by doing so and gives you the hard job while he basks in the good parenting glow? Well, opt out of parenting her then. I appreciate he works long hours, has little patience for her but he has a choice. He either backs you up or you disengage and are no longer responsible for her. He cant and shouldnt have it both ways - he wants you to parent her until he overrules you. So you are damned either way. So stuff it I say.
Perhaps his "little patience" will break if he is on the receiving end of her antics.
what a tough situation can
what a tough situation can definetely relate to feeling helpless and powerless with someone elses bio child. Setting boundaries can be so tough when not supported by other parent. However you do not have to accept unacceptable behaviour in your home. She may need to leave if she chooses to continure to steal etc.Your first responsibility is to yourself and your son.
I think cameras and extra
I think cameras and extra locks are kinda riduculous. I'm supposed to hide my purse in my bedroom so she isn't tempted again? I say "Get your freaking hands out of my purse and drawers or get the hell out of my house!!!!!!" So she had to move to a "home for troubled kids" and when she is home every other weekend yes, I hide my shit. SIGH.........