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Help! He tried to run away again!

stressed1's picture

I really need some advice and guidance here guys. SS8 lives with us. We haven't heard from BM in months, she's never taken care of SS. Lately, he's been on a roll with behavior. I caught him stealing $20 from me a week 1/2 ago, he's stolen money several times. Last week he called his teacher fat and hid the note she sent home so he got in school suspension. This morning at 5:30, I had a police officer wake me. SS8 had walked about a mile down the road to a strangers house. He asked them to give him a ride to his Granny's house. They called the police, and the officer brought him home. A few months ago he walked 5 houses down and asked to use their phone. He called BM and she told him she wouldn't pick him up. That lady brought him home and didn't report it. We assumed we corrected the problem after lectures and discipline. I'm not willing to risk him leaving again and having something happen to him. I am also not willing to risk losing my DD11, DD8, or DD3 because SS leaves in the night and I look like an unfit parent. I bought an alarm system for the house today and I hope that gives us time to figure out what to do. We've been trying to get him into therapy but it's been a battle, we keep getting the therapist's voicemail. DH is very involved but he's at a loss here too. DH works offshore and SS doesn't act near as bad when DH is home. I don't know what to do or where to turn for help. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.

MamaDuck's picture

Make an appt with GP (paper trail that you are aware of SS's problems and seeking help), he/she maybe able to get you referred somewhere.

CPS and police wise, they will only see you (anyone) as unfit parents if totally unaware of problems at this stage or aware of problems but not making any efforts to resolve or work on them. Keep a journal of SS's problems, date/time, how etc devise preventative measures for future etc. if theres a next time police drop kid off, have a quiet word to officer, they may be able to give you contact details etc for youth services.

((Hugs)) really feel for you having to deal with all this while BM MIA and your DH away working, can't be easy on you, wish I could give more useful advice that doesn't involve shock collars and bars on his windows lol

ctnmom's picture

This poor little guy needs some serious help. It's sticky too because you don't want it affecting the rest of your kids. I would call your pediatrician immediately and tell him/her you are in dire straights and need help NOW. Plus, if he's "in the system" so to speak and is a known difficult child with problems, I would think that you would be cut some slack if he does something like this. Document EVERYTHING. Scary stuff.

stressed1's picture

I'm not a stranger to SS. I've been the main person taking care of him since he was 2. That's not the case at all. I'm sure he misses his mommy but it wasn't the reason he left. We've sat him down numerous times and tried to reassure him that we want him here with us and we love him.