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SO glad to found this place!!!!!!

Ginsana's picture

:jawdrop: A place that finally gets me! Hello all. Here is my rant and my story; I am BM of two daughters 18 (pregnant) graduated from high school and almost 19 and 17 yrs old ( just had a baby two months ago), SM of three two boys 16 and 13, one girl 15. I love all five of the kids, grand daughter and soon to be grand baby.I was a young mom myself 18 & 20. I am divorced from XH for 14 yrs, we get along just got married young and he was a cheater. (moved on and friends) I have been with DH for five yrs and was blessed (HAHAHA) with his XW from HELL!!! From the get go she tried to be my " friend". I have friends and I knew from DH and alot of people what she was all about, this was not happening EVER. This has pissed her off. She cheated on DH during their marriage (7 years of dating in HS and 7 years of marriage we met three years after they broke up) and has left her kids for two years at various times and it affected her kids so much. She came back to town, remarried and worse than ever. She thought she could send me bossy and unnecessary messages on FB and on my cell. I had to block her. She has told SK total and complete BS lies about me and posted crap about my daughter and myself and sent unsolicitated advice about her pregnancy w/o my permission through FB and thus that started another "war" .I have tried to avoid her, but she decided to push herself on my kids!! I have numerous examples of what a controlling nut job she is, including walking into my house and coming to our bedroom door, unannounced and uninvited! She calls DH hubbys cell phone at least no less that 5 times a day and up to 30 times. She thinks because she is unemployed that I should cook, clean and do what she wants me to do ( yes she told me this), on top of my full time job, for her kids when they are at our house. We both work shift work and crazy hours, for years we did just fine when she wasn't around. Suddenly she has become mother of the year, by finally being here, going to the kids' activities and their custody arrangement is INSANE, four days with us three with her during the week. Poor kids the back and forth is hard. I have a pretty good relationship with the kids, except for the rants about me to them and on FB not so good on them when she is on a tangent. She SAID to my SS therapist she didn't care they knew how much she hated me. WOW..poor kid is 16 and angry at her for all that she has done and does. He remembers alot of his childhood and what she did to their dad in front of them while he was at work or at schools ( he is a police officer). DH doesn't want to " rock" the boat when she pulls stupid crap on me, he has yelled at her numerous times, but she continues to act like a spoiled only child she is. I have tried to reason with her for the kids, I NEVER say a bad word about her to them or around them. I even have defended her to them more than once. I have stopped going to "joint " parties and she is not allowed to come into our house anymore. I am out of my MIND with her tho. Sick of the crazy train rides. I do believe she needs meds. Just recently she showed up at DH grandfathers funeral, pushed me out of the way hugged and kissed him and acted like she belonged there..The funeral was 100 plus miles away from home and she drove there. I didnt want her there, but no one stands up to her because they do it for the kids. This summer DH family, who claims to hate her, went to a "family reunin" lol she called it, at her house!!! WTF?????? 5 years and youngest SS is out of school and I know she is gonna leave like she always does. Just cant wait til then!! Thank you for reading this. I am so glad I am not alone and can just vent without the judgement!

Ginsana's picture

Should have read that before I posted..correction, married to XH for 14 years divorced 6!! lol dang it I was mad!