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Letter to my husband's EX

thegoodwife's picture

Dear A, I've already written your kids off in an open letter to them so now it's your turn.

Today you called my husband at his new job and started screaming that HE needs to pay for YOUR car insurance. There are 5 months left before the last of your spawn turns 18 and we will hopefully be DONE with your sorry ass. In the 13 yrs I have been with B, you have done every stereotypical bad EX wife thing possible. Added to your bitchy Can't Understand Normal Talk self aka cunt, you have a real mental issue that really needs medical attention. Here are some examples of your craziness:

-Married a man you knew for a week. Brought him into your home, frightened your children when they were very young with your constant fighting with this man you barely knew. Called police on this "husband" you barely know, then called MY husband and cried to him that you are "afraid and worried this man, whom you brought into your home was going to "hurt the kids". The cops were at your home so often you could have been a regular on the show "Cops". You never take ownership of your fault in things, constantly you turn it around and blame MY husband for your stupid actions.

-You constantly dropped the kids off when they were very small to anyone and everyone late at night while you went out whoring around. One time you left Patrick and Lyndsey at the Disneyland hotel promising you all were going to spend the next day at DisneyLand but you once again lied. Rather than staying at the hotel with the kids, you instead called your sister while the kids were sleeping dreaming of the fun they expected to have the next day and asked her to babysit. She thought it was only for an hour or two. By the next day you were Missing in Action as usual. Next thing we know, your sister calls and says you are on a road trip with some other asshole and won't be back for 3 weeks. Your sister wanted to know "what should I do with the kids". Instead of Disneyland , they got shuffled over to us. We had plans to have them live w/us and get full custody but once again, you manipulated them and placed them in the middle causing unknown emotional pain to them.

-Left your daughter alone in the car, engine running unseatbelted (she should have been in a car seat)when she was 3 1/2 no emergency brake set, the car rolled down the driveway onto the street, hit the neighbor's block wall and your daughter was thrown from the car. The neighbors wanted to call the police--you should have been arrested for child endangerment but you cried and begged so the neighbors did not call. What did you do after you got off for your irresponsible possibly criminal actions? You called my husband and cussed him out saying it was " ALL his fault" because "you left me".

-speaking of who left whom, you have conveniently forgotten your affair with the Fireman whom you met on line. Remember? He's the one you cared so much about that you willingly left your kids home alone at night until my DH, who was still married to you at the time, got home to find his children 3 and 4 yrs old at the time, alone in the house, hungry and scared. Remember, my DH tried to go to counseling with you but you refused. Remember? you kept whoring around with guys, giving them oral sex in the parking lot of the bars you frequent. THAT'S WHY HE LEFT YOU!

-You took your spousal and child support and had a boob job. With no money left the electricity and gas were turned off. Who did you call? My husband and scream at him, then you showed up at his work creating a major scene, pushing past the receptionist and telling her to "fuck off". He almost lost his job.

-You posted on an online "love connection" board that you are a "loving mom" and you need "a man who wants to be around my children cause their daddy doesn't want them". Lies, all lies. What a pathological liar you are.

-Contacted my EX husband and tried to "hook up" with him. LOL that one is a classic. My EX husband is too SMART for you, besides he doesn't like plastic boobs.

-At my DH grandmother's funeral, unexpected and not invited, you showed up, stood up during the eulogy and wanted to "say a few words" you droned on and on about how much my DH grandmother "loved you and was sooo happy her grandson had married you". It was a sad and pitiful display of your psychosis. And guess what? CONNIE HATED YOUR ASS. SHE PERSONALLY TOLD ME SHE WAS SO HAPPY B WAS HAPPY AND COULD TELL HE LOVED ME VERY MUCH BECAUSE HE GLOWED!! HA HA HA.

-Just last year when your son was 18 and received financial aid for college, you nagged and yelled at him that he OWES you "that Money", so after being browbeaten he turned over his aid money to you. You are so white trash! What mother does that?

I could go on and on. All I want to tell you is I am so glad when June comes in a few months and YOU WILL BE DEAD TO ME! Obligations will be fulfilled and God have mercy should you try to bother us again!


thegoodwife's picture

You think? I wondered about that too. Guess deep down I kinda hope she sees this. Maybe not. She'll report my DH to child services if she gets pissed--that reminds me. One more thing I left out, last year when she threw her 17 year old out of the house at midnight because she wanted her to "wake up and clean your G-damn bedroom" the 17 yr old came to live with us. We registered her in school, she had a "normal" life, was working, getting Honor Roll having dinner every night with us, like family. BM psycho decides "I miss my baby girl" manipulated her into moving back. BM took my DH to Child services saying he has not paid child support for a year. No hearing, no rebuttal, no telling of his side, CS immediately garnished his wages for the year the SD lived with us and we supported her 100%!! God I hate that bitch!!

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

The funeral speech was about the most tacky, lowest and pathetic performances I've ever heard of by a crazy ex. That is just nothing but crazy! I often wonder where our husbands dig up these psychos.

thegoodwife's picture

Me too!! I my DH case he was 17 the ex was 24. I ask you, what 24 yr old woman is cruising the high schools for a guy who can't even buy beer? It is all very weird. When I was 24 the last thing I wanted was a 17 yr old boy!! That should have been my DH first sign that his EX was not normal.

z3girl's picture

Sounds like DH's ex! He was 19 and she was 24, so he was at least finished with high school, but still! She was a school teacher working in her summer break as a waitress (I love it that my MIL still refers to her as that trashy waitress lol) and he was a college drop-out working in a liquor store.

I've asked DH and MIL what a 24 year old woman was doing with a teenager? He was probably flattered, but that's just strange. But we got further proof she isn't normal...she is now out of the closet as a lesbian, and has told SD that she always knew she was one. Thanks BM for wasting DH's life...

Rags's picture

:jawdrop: Wow! And I thought the SpermIdiot was a dirt bag. Even he did not abandon his kids in a hotel and take off for a 3wk booty fest. He did abandon the youngest three on his mother's door step and refuses to pay my SS's CS so SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa will pay it for him.

You win the dirt bag blended family opposition trophy for today.

Your Skids are lucky to have you and their dad and are blessed to be on the cusp of moving past their mother.

Best regards,

thegoodwife's picture

Thanks Rag. Unfortunately my SK know all too well how crazy their mom is but still stand by her. When push comes to shove, they will side with psycho over me every time. My DH however knows. Long story but this last Christmas was the final straw with his kids not accepting me. I told my DH "I don't want to be around them any longer, No matter what I do, how I take care of things, support them when they are in the middle of a bi-polar melt down with their mom, they always respect her more, treat her nicer and never consider me as part of this family, so I am done" I made it clear that I would divorce if he did not come to some understanding of my feelings. He talked to his kids, told them how hurtful they had been in certain situations to me. What was there response "well mom is our mom" no apologizes no recognition of my feelings. So....his kids have not come around or even called since Christmas. Ungrateful bastards!

angelas_shadow's picture

WOW, I loved it, your bm sounds so eerily like mine, how have you coped all these years?

angelas_shadow's picture

Yeah I can see that. Mine used the cs to get pregnant....ugh just what the world needs, I would have been happier with the new boobs. She actually went out and bought the same dress I was going to get married in for her wedding(also used the same colors, got engaged the week after we did, and as soon as she found out I was pregnant .....well there you go)she drives me up a wall. She actually sends my dh a Christmas list of stuff she wants, not the ss, and she freaked when he forgot to wish her a happy birthday (along with a present)and actually told him he had to buy her a new car because her boyfriend couldn't afford a new one. My all time favorite though is when she told a 5 yr old that daddy sleeps with other women and that's why we are divorced, her reasoning you ask? because she didn't want to be the 'bad guy anymore', and the 5 yr old asked....if that's not bad enough she forgot the part about mommy got caught in bed with daddy's best friend, and left mommy and then slept with someone else, then tried to work it out, caught mommy sleeping around again, went to counciling with mommy, and found out she was dating her new husband at the same time.....its only cheating if daddy does it I guess, and yes I realize he was really retarded.

I'm gonna need a whole lot of wine, maybe a few shots too

thegoodwife's picture

OMG!OMG!...she's a little like a stalker with that same wedding dress, same colors. She's like our BM never sees her fault in anything and places blame on my DH for the break up. I hope to God your DH does not buy her any Christmas gifts. I know all about the Birthday wishes thing too. Years ago when the SK were younger, their mom manipulated them into telling my husband "mom says you should take us to buy her a B/day gift and you should call her to wish her Happy Birthday". How do you respond to that? If he says "I'm not going to do that" they get upset. This BM used these kids at every opportunity. Wonder what she will do when she can no longer legally threaten my husband?

angelas_shadow's picture

Hopefully she will rot away? I keep wishing for a fiery wreck, I can't help it! And no he doesn't buy her gifts, once we started dating that was over,I was very clear about how inappropriate that would be. This may have something to do with how she feels about me....she has lost all gifts and several thousand in money he doesn't hand over now (he tells me its very liberating)....and stalking oh yeah, she actually called him to tell him about them getting married, and she was pissed when we decided to sneak off and get married without telling her.....she thought she should be there (creepy)and omg when she found out I was pregnant (I never update her on anything not ss related) she about lost it.....she had to come over "to check on me and see if I needed taken care of, since I was married to my husband and he's horrible", she has been banned from coming into my house over that one....when he and I first started dating she thought we would be 'great friends' she would call and want to hang out (so she could bitch about my hubby).....and she would just show up at his house when she saw my car.....ugh

LizzieA's picture

Yeah, your BM wins this week's Hall of Shame'd be awesome if you sent it to her...the day after SK turns'll hear the explosion from your house.

overit2's picture the letter and YESP "You win the dirt bag blended family opposition trophy for today."

LOL-this absolutely! What a shit bag excuse of a woman.

thegoodwife's picture

OH GOD NO...didn't send it. Just needed to vent because yesterday was one more day she could yank my husband's chain. It's coming to an end soon and she's not going down without a final gasp. Like my husband said "she's just taking advantage now" he won't call her out because she holds all the card right now.

Yep, writing this was to share with all of you who have been there. It was cathartic. If I didn't do this, God only knows what would happen with all the pent up anger. So glad this site is here. Donate everyone so we can keep it up!!

overit2's picture

Normally I would agree...but there isn't much in there to show how much pain she caused the OP-just a "you are a shit/bad person and mother and here's why".

Honestly if I received something like that I would be mortified and humiliated and feel horrible-but I"m not that lunatic lol-I dont'think she would be overjoyed about the pain brought..if anything she'll feel angry that she has NO more say in their lives and the OP got the last word.

NOW personally I think I would mail it AFTER the 6 months were here.

thegoodwife's picture

I don't think I will ever mail it. It really was not written FOR HER. It was for me. To get these things off my chest, for my own good. And, to share with all of you cause I'm pretty sure you've all been there. It's nice to have positive feedback, to know I am not crazy or shallow for the way I feel about this bitch. I would never send this letter b/c it would only create problems. I know I will ALWAYS and forever have to be the one who takes the higher road, the one who has to develop a skin as thick as a rhinos and the one who will always have to put up and shut up when I'm around the bitch-which isn't often because I've totally disengaged.

Asher10's picture

The letter is perfect.But I'd never send it.It kills psychos more when you ignore them and let them fade into the background.this type of reaction will make her day.she may even frame it and smile each morning as she reads about how badly she got to you.

thegoodwife's picture

That's if she can read! She's illiterate. But, no this was not mailed. It was only to get off my chest in a public way but doubtful she would ever chance upon it. She's too busy trying to "hook up" on dating sites and posting new and improved photos of herself on Facebook.