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Okay - I need to calm down

frustrated78's picture

frustrated78's picture

She forgot one BIG thing.  We haven't gotten that old lawnmower out yet AND maybe it just make take awhile because I know she wants to pick it up ASAP.  I know, as I said it needs work, but she isn't going to pass up anything that is FREE so she is not going to give up on the mower for lard butt.

She thinks that because she is H's daughter and lard butt is his grandson they are entitled to things from us FREE.  Just like she thought about the will.  Alll she is interested in is what she might get, not about helping us out or the quality of our lives to live longer. 

Sorry, I am fuming because you can bet your bottom dollar she didn't pay any where near $85.00 for that rollinator, that is not how she operates.  You can probably see smoke coming from my ears.

frustrated78's picture

I don't know what happened here, but it didn't take my first post.

I am livid because H mentioned SD he was getting ready for a rollinator.  She goes to garage sales, auctions, etc. all the time and today called and said she had found a rollinator for H BUT it would cost him $85.00!

This from a woman who always wants and EXPECTS FREE from us, but has never given us anything of value.  Heck, she hasn't even bothered to take us out for a burger, ice cream or anything.

I suggested she just give it to H, after all her fat son is going to get our old lawnmower. Nope, $85.00 or she can sell it.  I told her to sell it.  The kind of rollinator she was talking about can be gotten quite reasonably off amazon etc.

AND no way did she ever pay $85.00 for it.  How she operates, and always has, is that she buys it cheap and wants to sell it to us for more $$.  We are not buying.

I am furious.  It is always the same thing with her, give me, give me, give me and she will expect you to pay for anything she does for you.  Like the BIG trip she wanted to take us on where once we got their we should rent our own car and leave them alone.  She just wanted us to pay the gas to get them there and back.  What a deal!

Or going after H trying to get him to change his will.  Telling me that she needed 3 wills from us, one for her Dad, one for Me and one if we both died at the same time.  THAT, folks is a crock and just shows how greedy she is.  Wanted everything to go to her and she wold take care of me.  Yeah, right.

You can probably see the smoke coming out of my ears I am so livid.

frustrated78's picture

Exactly Rags.  I never said she was smart, just greedy.  She thinks she would be covering all her bases when it just shows her stupidity along with her endless greed.  This just shows what a greedy ghoul she us,

Rags's picture

How noxious she is.


frustrated78's picture

Yeah, it is pretty unbelievable isn't it.   I knew what she was wanting was not legal as you pointed out.  This is the kind of carp she comes up with that scares the begesus out of me.

MorningMia's picture

That would be a hard no with maniacal laughter to follow. She might get the message. I have zero tolerance for people like that. 

frustrated78's picture

Neither do I.  In fact she just called this morning and dropped the price down to $70.00!  Told her that we were just not interested and had a different one in mind for H.  Very nicely wished her luck in selling it.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Tell her "no thanks." No telling how old and decrepit SD's garage sale walker is, or how soiled or smelly. 

ESMOD's picture

"no thank you SD.. thanks for thinking of your dad.. but we can buy a brand new one for close to that price.. and already have one picked out."

frustrated78's picture

ESOD - It would be nice if she was THINKING about her DAD, but she was thinking about making a buck off dear ole Dad.  That is her way and has been since I have known her.

H told me he asked if she and her husbandd would help us wash down the kitchen walls and cabinets.  We use to do this twice a year ourselves but now it is too difficult for us.  Her response was that with all her aches, pains, and problems she couldn't do it.  Okay, you say.  BUT then she tells us how she went and washed and painted her son's walls in the new house he bought.   As I say, she is a liar and greedy.

ESMOD's picture

I didn't say it was the truth.. lol.. I said it as a way to decline the purchase... the need for her to be inserted at all..haha

CajunMom's picture

what a POS human. I'm with everyone else...thanks but no thanks. 

As for your will, she does NOT NEED any copies. She GETS NOTHING. She'll "see" the will when it's being read at the attorney's office. What a witch. I hope you've told the doctor about her fixation on your wills....that's another form of elder abuse...demanding legal documents of which she has NO RIGHT TO.

For what it's worth, my daughter is our Executor of our estate. She dos NOT have a copy of ANY of the legal documents NOR has she ever asked. She knows our attorney and that's who she will get the documents from when the time comes. Watch that woman closely. She's a snake and dangerous.

frustrated78's picture

Cajun, this fixation on the will is one of the things that I definately brought up to my Doc.  Also how she was trying to talk him into chaning it in her favor when he was actually in the hospital going through tests because of his heart problems.  That itself had H upset because he didn't know what was going on and she was trying to use this to her advantage.

I do watch her closely and you are right,she is a snake and dangerous.  As I told my Doc., the things she does scare the begesus out of me.  She is a predator for the elderly.

frustrated78's picture

Because I am psychic (not) I can tell you one thing that is going to come up soon.   She is going to start pressing for them and her sons to be given something so they can remember  dear old Grandpa.  And I know what she has in mind, coin collection, revolutionary black powder rifle (repo but still quite pricey), etc.

Heck, her kids haven't seen us or contacted us in years.  But this will be a play on H's heartstrings to get things she wants.

H and I have talked about this and both agree.  They get nothing for remembrance for just the reasons mentioned above.  Just because they are grandkids etc. doesn't mean we have to leave or give them anything.

Sorry, I am still fuming after this mornings call with her bogus price reduction.

Winterglow's picture

Promise her they'll get something to remember him by and start taking snaps of the house, the garden, the car, take a few of your DH for good measure, also of anything else you can think of and have them made into an album for each of them online (probably cheaper than printing them out and having to buy albums to stick them in).

"Here, your grandfather SO wanted to leave you something special to remember him by."

Try not to chuckle as you walk away.

frustrated78's picture

Winterglow - Priceless!  What a great idea.  I think I will give them all framed copies of the latest pic H and I had done.  Have to put that in the will.  If they want a rememberance of him - there it is.

frustrated78's picture

Remember her Gatlinburg scam?  She would take us to their condo but we would pay for the gas to get there.  Once we got there we should rent our own car, buy our own food, etc., because they would be busy with things they planned to do.

That was another SD scam.  H and I pay so they can play.

Harry's picture

Including not paying SD  for anything. SD will get the old lawn mower when you grvt to it.  You know she is not going to fix it. It will be sold. 

frustrated78's picture

Harry - whether lard butt fixes it or not I don't care.  I can say it is going to cost a pretty penny to fix or H would have done it.  Also, the only thing it would be worth is for scrap and that isn't much especally after they come to get it.  That is why we decided to "donate" it to lard butt, it will be out of our shed and cost us nadda.

frustrated78's picture

As I was posting here H got another call from SD - she is now offering the rollinator for $50.00.

Our response is the same:  thanks, but no thanks.  H already ordered the one he wants and has no need for another one.  (This to make sure she knows not to try to pawn it off on us any longer).  

In fact, H. did just ordered the one he wanted; so we have no need to be fleeced by HD.  FWIW, H never asked her to go find one, she did that on her own to try to make a buck.

Now she is stuck with it at least until she can find a buyer.  KARMA.

You know it is very sad that we have to fight her off like this on things.  She is scarey.