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New Year’s Eve—Find Onesself Again

Missingme's picture

Got into a huge row with the DH over not defending me after being obviously hugely and unduly disrespected by a complete stranger. I think I've come to the realization that that specific behavior is not just ball-less, but also an indicator of how my husband feels about me deep inside-angry. And I'm deeply angry, too. Afterwards, I went out by myself and mingled amongst complete strangers and had a great time being me without being worried about how my own husband felt about my outgoingness, which he often perceives as too forward and sometimes offensive. I'm always amazed at how well I'm received when he isn't around. Don't get me wrong, people think he's a nice guy and he is, I guess. This is how we've ended the year--apart. I may finally have realized that it's never going to be okay and I'll be okay without him.
(I'll tell you what, one way or another, I'll let you all know if I had the gumption. (The wine is giving me the courage to spill my guts here tonight.))

In any event, I wish you all a very happy new year! 


PS, the skids are there main cause of my marital woes, but like a well known psychologist has said, "it's never just one thing." I agree. 

Rags's picture

While there is always "the rest of the story", there is also always a spark that sets off the sequence of events of marital tension.  

For many SParents, that spark is ill behaved failed family spawn that a mate pollutes the SP's life with.  That... makes both the kids and the failed parenting of a mate the main causes of marital woes for SParents.

I am a do something even if I do it wrong persective person.  One thing I will not tolerate is disrespect toward my pride or toward me. By anyone.  Fortunately my bride will not tolerate disrespect either.

That is a truth that SParents should never lose sight of. Nor should be allow it to go uncontested.

BobbyDazzler's picture

The complete stranger? 'obviously hugely and unduly disrespected by a complete stranger'...was it one of the skids? Yea, I don't understand the way my DH thinks sometimes.  The OSS is disrespectful towards me and him and my DH does nothing about it.  I just don't bother with the OSS anymore. I've told my DH it's his responsibility to spend time with him and his bio grandkids. Since I don't coordinate happy little get togethers with his (them) it just doesn't happen. 

It sounds like there is a lot more going on - as there always is.  Best of luck to you and Happy New Year.

Catmom024's picture

I'm sorry.  I got into it one day with BMs husband and his sloppy drunk friend.   Two men ganging up on me.  I held my own (former contractor and I have a mouth like a sailor).  After I told my boyfriend what happened,  he of course didn't say anything to them.  

Sometimes us step parents are seen as very strong,  independent and capable individuals who don't need help or rescuing.  BM and skids are seen as not as smart and incapable and always need/needed rescued.  When I had a flat tire, then later a dead battery I was told to figure it out and flag down a stranger.   SD in the same situation would have daddy running.   When married to BM, he would have gone running to help.

We're on our own.  I hope you get away.

Rags's picture

Souds like BM does not have the balls to confront you herself and her DH and his drunk friend have pants peas rather than actual man sack. 

Though I have to say.... your BF is not showing well in this situation.  At the very least he should have been at your site laughing in their faces and ridiculing them as they were shredded by your notable spine and testicular fortitude. 

Nice lady balls Catmom024.


Give rose

Catmom024's picture

Rags, the really crazy thing is that my BF said he'd go with me to the "situation".  I insisted I'd be fine and I could handle it myself.  I think I was looking for a fight that day!!!  Lol.  I did handle it,  no problem and my boyfriend was watching from a distance.   But of course when I later told him every name in the book I'd been called he didn't do anything about it.   His logic was basically you can't reason with sloppy drunk idiots...I was fine with letting it go because I just wanted it dropped.   But sure, no doubt BM and her idiot husband think that he can call me every foul curse word and my BF won't do anything about it. 

The hilarious thing was that the two drunk Neanderthals thought calling me names would upset me (I'm impervious to that).   Lol.  I simply said "I don't care what someone like you thinks of me."  Their heads laterally imploded and their bodies just started lurching around because they didn't know how to respond.  Lol.  They thought I'd run scared crying because they called me a b*tch. Lololol.  

Rags's picture

Well played.

I am am a fan!!!!

No doubt their toothless slobbering flea sized brains and pea sized balls have convinced them that they showed you......
