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New Years Eve-Finding Onesself Again

Missingme's picture

Got into a huge row with the DH over not defending me after being obviously hugely and unduly disrespected by a complete stranger. I think I've come to the realization that that specific behavior is not just ball-less, but also an indicator of how my husband feels about me deep inside-angry. And I'm deeply angry, too. Afterwards, I went out by myself and mingled amongst complete strangers and had a great time being me without being worried about how my own husband felt about my outgoingness, which he often perceives as too forward and sometimes offensive. I'm always amazed at how well I'm received when he isn't around. Don't get me wrong, people think he's a nice guy and he is, I guess. This is how we've ended the year--apart. I may finally have realized that it's never going to be okay and I'll be okay without him.
(I'll tell you what, one way or another, I'll let you all know if I had the gumption. (The wine is giving me the courage to spill my guts here tonight.))

In any event, I wish you all a very happy new year! 


PS, the skids are there main cause of my marital woes, but like a well known psychologist has said, "it's never just one thing." I agree. 

CLove's picture

And heres to hoping 2024 will be THAT year - that year we make the changes we need to.